Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effects of Globalisation on Indian Society Essay

Indian Society is among the oldest in the world and varied and complex in its heritage. But about 200 years of colonial rule changed its socio-cultural process. India was turned into an appendage of the British empire. British colonial policy transformed its economy, society and polity. The British colonial authority was responsible for the introduction of the modern state in India. They surveyed the land, settled land revenues, created a modern bureaucracy, army, police, instituted law courts and helped in the codification of laws. The colonial administration developed communications, the railways, the postal system, telegraph, roads and the canal system. It introduced English language and took steps for the establishment of universities. The above changes set in motion a number of forces which had long-term and often adverse consequences for the Indian economy and society. These changes were not oriented towards causing balanced development and progress of the Indian society. They only served the imperial interests of the colonial authority. India which had a glorious past, had become one of the poorest countries when it freed itself from colonial bondage. In 1948-49 India’s national income was 86. 5 thousand million rupees. Which meant a per capita income of only 264 (rupees). This was one of the lowest in the world. India had a predominant agrarian economy. 72 percent of its total workforce was dependant upon agriculture. Organised industries accounted for two percent of the workforce. The colonial authority pursued policies which led to pouperisation of the peasants, who had reduced to the position of share-croppers, marginal tenants and landless agricultural labourers. At the dawn of independence India was economically dependant upon advanced countries. Its exports consisted of primary products while its imports consisted of manufactures from industrialised countries. It also showed a marked deficit in the balance of trade. The economy was characterised by a pronounced economic dualism. The economic structure was also intricately related to a society having features which seriously affected the growth and operation of new institutions. The country was typically characterised by a class structure in which power was highly concentrated in a small elite. This included, on the one hand, classes whose power was associated with the traditional sector and, on the other, newer classes whose power was associated with the growth of the modern sector. Their combined membership was very small in comparison to the mass of small cultivators, landless agricultural labourers, unskilled workers and unemployed or underemployed. Between the elite at the top and the masses at the bottom, there was a very small middle class consisting of pet businessmen, semi-skilled blue-collar workers and small property owners. These peculiarities had a bearing upon a new nation resharing itself in a post-colonial world. Further, social interactions in India were based on considerations of race, religion caste, community, language and region. After independence India experienced a politics of scarcity on account of the above factors. Political independence raised expectations of the masses. The nationalist elite, who had played in a key role in the freedom struggle, became the new power-elite They and their socio-cultural background set the goals of the new dispensation. Apart from economic development and social transformation achieving economic and political self-reliance was a new goal of the independent Indian state. The goal of integration of the country was also important to the ruling elite. Independent India adopted the Westminister model for sharing its political institutions. The parliamentary form of government with a federal state structure was the only alternative before the constitution-making forum. The modern elite wanted to reconstruct the social structure on modern foundations of law, individual merit and secular education. They therefore, favoured a transition from traditional rural economy to one based on scientifically planned industry and agriculture. To achieve this objective Community Development project and Five-year Plans were introduced. India thus became a welfare state. The objective of the Indian State being to correct the distorted nature of the economy and society, which had been its colonial inhavitance, the newly goals were : self-sustained growth, high rate of growth, equality, equity and justice and state and nation-building.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Litreature Review on Banking Essay

It was emphasized that the use of computers changes the processing, storage, retrieval and communication of financial information and may affect the accounting and internal control systems employed by a bank. The potential for human errors in the development, maintenance and execution of computer Information Systems may be greater than in manual systems, due to level of details inherent in these activities. Through audit reviews, a thorough look and understanding of IS in bank can be seen. The audit of IS would provide us general understanding of IS in bank, managing authentication of users, access control, data security, data integrity, audit 14 2. Literature Study and Analysis logs, testing, accounting entries, data migration, network and RDBMS security, business continuity and disaster recovery plans, hacking, identification of transaction for substantative checking, use of reports generated by system and documentation. The paper titled â€Å"Application of IT in Banking† by K. S. Rajashekara (2004), talked about impact analysis of IT on banking. The problem of doing proper impact analysis is due to difficulty of measuring output accurately when the quality of service is changing as a result of such factors as convenience, speed, and lower risk. Through IT, banks anticipate reduction in operating costs through such efficiencies as the streamlining back office processing and elimination of error-prone manual input of data. Owing to IT, bank can offer new products and services. Banks are able to develop and implement sophisticated risk, information management system and techniques with more powerful data storage and analysis technologies. IT has positively affected the stakeholders of bank like management, employees, and customers. Vasant Godse (2005) in paper titled â€Å"Technology: An Impact Analysis† talked about role of Information Technology in banking. Banks faced the enormous task of re-orienting their technology infrastructure towards such interactive decision support and information gathering tools, much different from transaction processing and final accounting. The impact of technology could be on relationship with information technology providers, organizational aspects, banker-customer relationship, control and supervisory aspects, new concepts and processes, which help in further gaining competitive advantage. 15 2. Literature Study and Analysis A paper titled â€Å"Information Orientation: People, Technology and the bottom line† by Donald A. Marchand, William J. Kettinger, John D. Rollins (2000), stressed upon the effective usage of information for business performance. It was stressed that IT improved business performance only if combined with competent information management and the right behaviors and values. The research was applied on banks. Banks were evaluated on three broad scales i. e. IT Practices (including IT practices for Operational support, IT for Business-process support, IT for Innovation support, IT for Managerial support); Information Management Practices (Sensing information, Collecting information, Organizing information, Processing information, Maintaining information); Information behaviours and values (Information Integrity, formality, control, sharing, transparency, proactiveness). Companies that incorporated a people-centric, rather than merely techno-centric, view of information use and that are good at all three information capabilities would improve their business performance. A paper titled â€Å"Understanding the impact of IT-based coordination on the performance of Information-intensive firms: A Gestalt approach in Banking Industry† by Yannis A. Pollalis (2003), moved towards the development of such an explanatory and predictive model of IT-based performance by distinguishing coordination) three that types impact of the organizational performance systems of integration (or nformation-intensive organizations: Technological Integration (i. e. the integration of various IT components such as data, applications telecommunications, and systems); Functional integration ( i. e. , the coordination of responsibilities and roles 16 2. Literature Study and Analysis across a firm’s value-chain activities between corporate and IT planning activities); a nd Strategic integration (i. e. effective decision-making at all levels, increased productivity and better return on investment). The organizations with coordinated elements (i. e. strategy, structure, and technology) will be more successful than uncoordinated ones. Banks were chosen as the context for the empirical phase of the study because of their high information intensity and their focus on customer service and cost management. The research indicated the existence of successful and unsuccessful patterns of integration, that is, certain combinations of technological, functional, and strategic integration might lead to better or worse performance. Strategic and Technological integration were found to be most important elements of success, which indicated the importance of consistency between echnological and strategic infrastructure. The paper titled â€Å"Learnings from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Implementation in a Bank† by M. P. Gupta and Sonal Shukla (2004) attempted to highlight the learnings from CRM implementation in the banking sector. CRM systems were particularly relevant to ret ail financial services companies, allowing much of the management of the customer relationship to be automated with the objective of maximizing the profitability of individual customer relationships while minimizing the cost of managing those relationships. The study was supported by a case study of CRM systems in a major Japanese Bank—Bank of Mitsubishi and also a field survey of scenario in Indian banking sector. The various issues examined included organizational information, the CRM strategy, strategic changes resulting from CRM 17 2. Literature Study and Analysis implementation, implementation priorities for the banks and the factors indicating the performance after CRM implementation. The study revealed that CRM was gradually picking up and was definitely considered as a viable proposition by banks in improving services to their customers. One of the major challenges experienced during implementing CRM was resistance to change. To get CRM to work, high commitment was required in those who were implementing it. The paper titled â€Å"Impact of Information Technology on the Indian Banking Sector† by Harmeen K. Soch and H. S. Sandhu (2003) emphasized that impact of IT on banking was so radical that it would be a key determinant of success or failure in the industry, a key determinant of whether banks as a recognizable grouping continue to exist, and a key determinant of the differentiation between competitors in financial services.

Black Men and Public Space

Dylan Cruz English12/23/11Black Men and Public Space In ?Black Men and Public Space? , Brent Staples writes about how he was treateddifferently at various times due to being African  ± American. Staples uses exposition to helpshow the various times where people acted differently when they saw him all due to his race. From confrontations on the street to being confused for a robber as he was rushing to hand in anarticle for a magazine, it is clear that he is treated unfairly. Staples uses cause and effect to showhow he does things differently now, hoping that people may see him in another light.He alsocompares and contrasts how some situations would be different if he were of a different race. Histone and diction throughout the work is also interesting, as he does not seem angry about how heis being treated. Staples lists many examples throughout ? Black Men and Public Space? where he has  been treated differently because of his race. When Brent had some down time, he decided to g ointo a jewelry store. ?The proprietor excused herself and returned with an enormous redDoberman pinscher straining at the end of a leash.?This is an excellent example of being treateddifferently. If any other person had gone in there the owner would not have reacted in the shedid. Another example he uses is when he first begins to notice that people see him differently. Hewas in college on walking on the streets late at night when he sees a woman walking in theopposite direction as he. ?It was clear that she thought herself the quarry of a mugger, a rapist, or  worse.? These examples Staples brings forward clearly show that he is treated unfairly just  because of his skin color.Staples also uses other rhetorical strategies throughout his work, including cause andeffect and as well as comparing and contrasting. After seeing all the situations in which he isunfairly judged, he begins to do things hoping people will see past his skin color. He writes, ? Inow take precautions to ma ke myself less threatening.? Now when he's walking around a night,he whistles Beethoven and Vivaldi tunes, stating ? Virtually everybody seems to sense that amugger wouldn't be warbling bright, sunny selections from Vivaldi'sFour Seasons ?. Staplesalso compares and contrasts some situations, like how people treat him differently if they see himin business clothes versus seeing him in casual attire. The tone Staples uses in this work is very interesting. Even though he has been constantly  judged by the color of his skin, he doesn't seem very angry about it. The tone in this is verystraightforward and to the point. This may be because he's realized that people are going to  judge him, and he can't do anything about it and just accept it.Also, it's happened to him on somany occasions that he has gotten used to it now. The diction he uses helps prove his point thathe's not a bad person, as I don't believe any muggers would use the wide vocabulary Staplesuses throughout his work. Ev en though Brent Staples gets judged just due to his skin color, it doesn't seem bother  him all that much. He's able to see that it's not him that scares people; it's the stereotype that hisrace has attached to them. Through the use of examples and his unique tone, he is able to conveythis message in his writing. Black Men and Public Space In his essay, â€Å"Black Men and Public Space, Brent Staples expresses his experiences, struggles and discoveries of being a African American man of great stature in America in the 1970’s. His appearance alone—a dark looming figure—sparks a subconscious fear for an ordinary man. Typical citizens only see in black and white thus their eyes cannot distinguish between Staples and a criminal who prowls the streets with the same features. Describing his own character as a courteous and harmless person, clashes with the views of those around him that possess negative stereotypes towards black men. His reverse relationship with Caucasian people make it seem that a white person’s fear is not as strong as the discrimination Staples encounters in his day-to-day life, making him the victim, not the culprit. Being in these situations initiates a response from Staples in order to intimidate people less. Staples, in this reading, tries to make his readers live in his shoes and acknowledge the fact not all black men are the ones that automatically appear in their mind. Sometimes the fear of stereotypes attributes more to the action and reaction to people, more so than their general logic. We might believe that issues of race and gender is not present in this time and age but it still remains maybe in stronger than in the past. Although we consider America to be an egalitarian society, it is far from it. While we wish to live in a society where stereotypes are non-existent and men are all treated equal, we as human have it in our nature Black Men and Public Space Cesar Augusto Gonzalez Professor Hargett English 1101 October 14, 2010 Vicious Cycle Throughout history, literature has served as a way of expression. Human beings have poured out their feelings onto paper, as long as there have been people interested in them. Common themes have risen through the ages, such as the contrast between light and dark. Darkness is known for its negative undertone. In earlier times, we saw darkness as an interpretation of evil; likewise, light represented God and all good.From literature we, as a society, have built what later became social rules, giving rise to things such as prejudice. In Brent Staples essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space† this is clearly shown by the authors own experiences of antipathy and hostility towards him caused by his own self. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, Brent Staples begins by coming to the realization of the way he’d be viewed for the rest of his life. He describes feelings of uneasiness toward s his newfound self-image. It all came to him one evening in an ally where his tall frame walked behind a young woman.She proceeded to perceive him as a threat to her safety even her life, and race off into the night. Later on his –problem- took a deeper hit on him when even as a professional this image continued to follow him. It evolved into harm for himself when he is mistaken for a thief several times. Toward the end the author learns how to manage this issue by cleaning his image, and controlling his rage toward the ones who considered a criminal. Consistent rejection can cause a man –or woman to see the world as of one color or the other, to the extremes.Thus creating a situation of self-blame where one might think and accept that every bad incident its their own fault. He is blaming himself for actions that occur without actual intent of the so-called attacker. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space,† Staples writes, â€Å"My first victim was a woman† (566). This phrase creates a dark tone that only gets clearer as the essay moves on. The image of – the victim- is passed onto the author itself. And the fact that is proclaiming himself as an aggressor indicates that he has acknowledged this as a reality.In today’s society, people have the tendency to change how they –act and react- toward certain groups of people, places of interaction, friends and strangers. It can range from lowering safety standards when ones home, to the point of running from someone that, by mistake, its portrayed and related to something harmful. This can create a unique experience, most of the time being of uneasiness and stress. Staples write, â€Å"I First began to know the unwieldy inheritance I’d come into- the ability to alter public space in an ugly way† (566).It is clearly stated in the previews quote that the author is now experimenting a new way of social awareness that it’s brought upon him by just being that way he is. It is surprising how fast people tend to judge yet it also can be way of protection. Even though the author might not be the real aggressor that does not takes the fact that another man like him could be the authentic one. Today’s civilization has grown with fear. Fear of loosing what’s theirs, fear of the police, fear of politics, fear of what’s unknown and different.Sometimes this can manifest in avoidance of the subject but in some occasions it can be a little more –active-. Staples writes, â€Å"And I soon gathered that being perceived as dangerous it’s a hazard in itself† (567). As a result of his dangerous association the author realizes that it’s unsafe to be outside too. As some women tend to opt just to sprint away from you, some men might choose to fight the problem. This brings concerns to the author who apart form being socially un-welcome is now threatened by his own naturally built image. Fear is accompan ied by a need for survival.Some animals grow being dominant, creating fear to control. Other just decide to hide hoping not to be involved into precarious situations. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, Staples describes, â€Å"I chose, perhaps unconsciously, to remain a shadow – timid, but a survivor† (568). Staples explain that he took the –smaller animal- path and tries to remain un-recognizable in order for him to have a safer journey around avoiding confrontation. Is easier to hide that to fight but in the long run that –easiness- brings other problems, where self-blame can evolve to depression and self-depreciation.It comes a time in every man’s life when he has to choose between himself and society. When he has to decide whether to stand on his own or simply hide his true self in order to escape confrontation, arguments and possible rejection. Most people have a tendency to – go with the flow- be just like everyone else. Stap le writes, â€Å"I now take precautions to make myself less threatening† (568). This quote describes the idea previously expressed. He chooses to alter his image to make his journey safer. In order to add this newer safer self, he must subtract what he was before, losing his identity.In Staples essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, big issues are explored and described in a way that we can relate to without getting lost in the context. On a narrow sense the essay can be viewed as how the author goes through the realization of how he is pictured, moving to the changes he has to make to be -socially- less threatening. Doing this one can go a process of depression and losing identity. This is just the example of only one person but this case is not reserved to him only, it happens to almost everyone and in many different levels.We are 6,602,224,175 humans suffering form all kind of unreal and unfair treatment and as a result, hate and resentment are created, and in fac t they are he main cause of racism and un fair treatment towards others thus creating a vicious cycle from which we need to get out in order for humans to walk though these crowded streets in harmony. Work Cited Brent Staples. â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†. Four in One: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook. Eds. Eduard A. Dornan and Robert Dees. 5th Edition. Boston: Longman, 2011. 167-169. Print Black Men and Public Space Cesar Augusto Gonzalez Professor Hargett English 1101 October 14, 2010 Vicious Cycle Throughout history, literature has served as a way of expression. Human beings have poured out their feelings onto paper, as long as there have been people interested in them. Common themes have risen through the ages, such as the contrast between light and dark. Darkness is known for its negative undertone. In earlier times, we saw darkness as an interpretation of evil; likewise, light represented God and all good.From literature we, as a society, have built what later became social rules, giving rise to things such as prejudice. In Brent Staples essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space† this is clearly shown by the authors own experiences of antipathy and hostility towards him caused by his own self. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, Brent Staples begins by coming to the realization of the way he’d be viewed for the rest of his life. He describes feelings of uneasiness toward s his newfound self-image. It all came to him one evening in an ally where his tall frame walked behind a young woman.She proceeded to perceive him as a threat to her safety even her life, and race off into the night. Later on his –problem- took a deeper hit on him when even as a professional this image continued to follow him. It evolved into harm for himself when he is mistaken for a thief several times. Toward the end the author learns how to manage this issue by cleaning his image, and controlling his rage toward the ones who considered a criminal. Consistent rejection can cause a man –or woman to see the world as of one color or the other, to the extremes.Thus creating a situation of self-blame where one might think and accept that every bad incident its their own fault. He is blaming himself for actions that occur without actual intent of the so-called attacker. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space,† Staples writes, â€Å"My first victim was a woman† (566). This phrase creates a dark tone that only gets clearer as the essay moves on. The image of – the victim- is passed onto the author itself. And the fact that is proclaiming himself as an aggressor indicates that he has acknowledged this as a reality.In today’s society, people have the tendency to change how they –act and react- toward certain groups of people, places of interaction, friends and strangers. It can range from lowering safety standards when ones home, to the point of running from someone that, by mistake, its portrayed and related to something harmful. This can create a unique experience, most of the time being of uneasiness and stress. Staples write, â€Å"I First began to know the unwieldy inheritance I’d come into- the ability to alter public space in an ugly way† (566).It is clearly stated in the previews quote that the author is now experimenting a new way of social awareness that it’s brought upon him by just being that way he is. It is surprising how fast people tend to judge yet it also can be way of protection. Even though the author might not be the real aggressor that does not takes the fact that another man like him could be the authentic one. Today’s civilization has grown with fear. Fear of loosing what’s theirs, fear of the police, fear of politics, fear of what’s unknown and different.Sometimes this can manifest in avoidance of the subject but in some occasions it can be a little more –active-. Staples writes, â€Å"And I soon gathered that being perceived as dangerous it’s a hazard in itself† (567). As a result of his dangerous association the author realizes that it’s unsafe to be outside too. As some women tend to opt just to sprint away from you, some men might choose to fight the problem. This brings concerns to the author who apart form being socially un-welcome is now threatened by his own naturally built image. Fear is accompan ied by a need for survival.Some animals grow being dominant, creating fear to control. Other just decide to hide hoping not to be involved into precarious situations. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, Staples describes, â€Å"I chose, perhaps unconsciously, to remain a shadow – timid, but a survivor† (568). Staples explain that he took the –smaller animal- path and tries to remain un-recognizable in order for him to have a safer journey around avoiding confrontation. Is easier to hide that to fight but in the long run that –easiness- brings other problems, where self-blame can evolve to depression and self-depreciation.It comes a time in every man’s life when he has to choose between himself and society. When he has to decide whether to stand on his own or simply hide his true self in order to escape confrontation, arguments and possible rejection. Most people have a tendency to – go with the flow- be just like everyone else. Stap le writes, â€Å"I now take precautions to make myself less threatening† (568). This quote describes the idea previously expressed. He chooses to alter his image to make his journey safer. In order to add this newer safer self, he must subtract what he was before, losing his identity.In Staples essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, big issues are explored and described in a way that we can relate to without getting lost in the context. On a narrow sense the essay can be viewed as how the author goes through the realization of how he is pictured, moving to the changes he has to make to be -socially- less threatening. Doing this one can go a process of depression and losing identity. This is just the example of only one person but this case is not reserved to him only, it happens to almost everyone and in many different levels.We are 6,602,224,175 humans suffering form all kind of unreal and unfair treatment and as a result, hate and resentment are created, and in fac t they are he main cause of racism and un fair treatment towards others thus creating a vicious cycle from which we need to get out in order for humans to walk though these crowded streets in harmony. Work Cited Brent Staples. â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†. Four in One: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook. Eds. Eduard A. Dornan and Robert Dees. 5th Edition. Boston: Longman, 2011. 167-169. Print

Monday, July 29, 2019

Porter Novelli (Goldsmith) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Porter Novelli (Goldsmith) - Essay Example tion of a strategic approach which is associated with human recourse guarantees that a business organization’s employees, various skills, operational programs and abilities contribute to the attainment of its organizational goal. Benchmarking is a widely accepted and innovative technical method in the field of business marketing. Marketing professionals often remarked that the process of bench marking is one of the successful tools of marketing. Bench marking is helps to reduce the over growth of costs and it also improves the productivity, integrated business processing and business marketing. At present organizational experts used bench marking is an effective tool for comparing the performance of employees and policies. It is also used as an important test to evaluate the presentation of unconventional tools or all business techniques. Bench marking is helpful for both managements and employees to understand more about innovative business policies and techniques. Bench marking includes various processes such as productivity, cost, time, evaluation, policy making and exestuation etc. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation of all business techniques and strategies are possible through this technique. One can understand the fact that bench marking clearly explains the relation of particular organizational standards in business marketing. And it also determines the performance standards for leadership. Talent management has been regarded as a process for developing and integrating new workers. It also extends its hands to the development of current workers and attracting new workers talented workers for the well being of a company. Different studies have documented Talent Management as the one identifying, selecting, and cultivating Superkeepers. Superkeepers are employees who have demonstrated superior performance, who have inspired others to achieve superior performance, and who embody the core competencies of the organization (Berger, 2004). Rob Silzer &

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Law - Essay Example Throughout, the law treated the threat of physical injury as assault while battery was considered the complete contact to cause harm. This version of the distinction is no longer valid as compared to the physical contact hence null and void. For Hilder to be taken to the hospital after being hit by the husband with a chair leg by the husband Billy is a clear example of Assault or battery to mention. The act is worsened when Billy further exposes their violent acts to the public through putting a slap on the face of the nurse, which prompts the calling of the police to arrest Hilder’s husband. The arrest of Billy for assault is much in pace and if prosecuted would be liable because there is the medical evidence of physical injury and as well the two children aged five and eight also could act as witnesses to the aggravated violence case. This is because assault or battery are an example of the widely known criminal offenses given that their occurrence vividly brings to the mind s of the victims scenes of fight or violence in line of the aggravated acts (Brannigan 2012). Legally the two terms or concepts are quite distinct and hence their punishments are quite different with the determination of battery attracting vast penalty as compared to whether it is simply an assault. In their determination and proof against or for the parties concerned in the argument, have to clearly breakdown the concepts into their respective elements. In handling of this case we will look at the case clearly while even defining all the defenses available for the accuse persons and the look at the penalties to be faced in the cases of the sentences by the respective offenders (Gore 2007). The act by Billy on the wife Hilder will amount to assault due to the mere fact that the definition of assault and battery is nowadays not factually differentiated. Otherwise, the factual definition of assault as it remains in the other states is that the conviction for assault will still need th e existence of the criminal act since an assault will require a direct act to put another individual to a reasonable fear. This therefore dispels the notion of spoken words alone being considered assault not until the offender backs them up with relevant actions that make the recipient in a position of foreseeing imminent danger (Reddington & Kreisel 2005). For a person to be considered to have committed an assault the individual only needs to have shown the general intents, Billy though has gone further to hit both his wife and the nurse intensely injuring the wife after he pretends to be going to see the wife in the hospital which is the most unlikely case they would witness. It means that someone can hardly assault another person accidentally but they have to act in a manner likely to amount to a cause of terror to the offenders. Therefore, if an individual acts in a way that's considered dangerous to other people that can be enough to support assault charges, even if they didn't intend a particular harm to a particular individual which will be in the intention to scare or frighten the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Planning and Controlling Direct Labor Costs Term Paper

Planning and Controlling Direct Labor Costs - Term Paper Example As a result of which the total revenue and total sale of the organization might get increased that may amplify its market share and brand value to a significant extent among others. Apart from this, if the organization became successful in reducing its actual cost, then it might present its product or services at a quite competitive cost as compared to its rival players. However, due to which, a huge range of customers might get attracted towards the brand and the product line that may amplify its demand and profit margin in the market among many other rival players (Hansen, Mowen and Passalacque 29). Thus, it might be stated that in order to enhance the range of profits of the organization by a consistent range, planning is the most essential facet. In order to enhance the sustainability and position in long run, the organization might plan for long term strategies. It might prove effective in increasing the overall costs and revenues thereby reducing the total costs. The importance of the study is to analyze the importance of planning for an organization in this age, in order to amplify its total revenue and reduce the total cost. This might act as the first stage of budgeting that may prove effective for the organization to forecast its future expected sales, earning, expenses etc. Along with this the process of planning and staffing also includes the future forecast of the changes of the business and economic environment that may offer significant impact over the operations and functions of the organization. Along with planning and staffing, forecasting is another important step of budgeting, that helps to determine, the degree to which the long term strategies are useful or feasible for the organization in long run. However, this process of forecasting is a mixture of two important functions such as planning for long period of time entirely based on real goals or objectives of the organization as well as short term planning’s.

Friday, July 26, 2019

What explains the widening and deepening of international peace Essay

What explains the widening and deepening of international peace operations after the Cold War - Essay Example Promise of Peace The ideal state of freedom, security and happiness among peoples and nations in the world perfectly outlines the concept of world peace, which has been extremely elusive to humankind since the dawn of a competitive civilization. Non-violence, understanding and cooperation among countries as well as their leaders signify the essence of this universal aspiration, which for many is a seeming Utopian dream. But, in theory and practice, peace is never impossible.1 While it is believed that it is already embedded in human nature to be violent and adversarial, it is also factually acceptable that war is only man-made and could be prevented through a firm resolve and humane freewill. Immanuel Kant in his classical treatise entitled Perpetual Peace, upheld that the epitome of humanity only occurs when there is a total cessation of hostilities and not just a temporary suspension of conflicts.2 It should be noted, however, that Kant did not imply that there should be a total ab sence of disputes and conflicts before peace is attained. Theoretically, the stress was only placed on the term ‘hostilities’ and that it also implied the polite way of handling issues and settling differences. There has been a wide-ranging scope of theories and conjectures about the idea of peace. Various interpretations were already offered and at times disputed. According to Kacowicz, there is a threefold typology of peace.3 First is precarious peace, which is the temporary absence or armed conflict between nations (some Arab states and Israel). Second is conditional peace, where one or both sides see the necessity of deterrent activities to avoid war (United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War). Third and lastly is the stable peace, which neither side employs force or make a threat of force in any of its disputes (United States and United Kingdom during the 1956 Suez Canal Crisis). As an ongoing and dynamic process, stable peace involves the process of achie ving a continuum of absence of war resulting from a balance of power, deterrence to conflict resolution and consolidation of societal security. For most part, stable peace is the one denoted by historicists and written about by romanticists. Beginning and End of the Cold War Dubbed as a war on ideology, the Cold War (1947-1941) was a period of tension, conflict and competition between the capitalist West and the socialist East. Spearheaded by world superpowers, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic ventured into a prolonged political and military struggle that also involved other countries, called satellites (Eastern block) and allies (Western block). The rivalry for influence in the Third World and dominance in the military force was said to be the major germ that caused the war.4 A considerable mix of calm and high tension appeared in the international stage during this period. The Berlin Siege of 1948, the Korean Civil War in 1950-1953, the Berlin Crisis of 1961, the Vietnam War in 1959-1975, the Missile Attacks in Cuba (1962) and the Soviet-Afghanistan War in 1979-1989 all accounted for the terrible lethal strikes that occurred within this span of time. An imminent nuclear war precipitated by the Able Archer 83 Exercises of NATO was also documented. Nevertheless, the fear of a guaranteed mutual destruction engendered by their own sophisticated nuclear weapons served as a reason for a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Plants and human civilization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plants and human civilization - Research Paper Example The first farmers have mastered the ground and learned how to cultivate the first cereal crops. Large areas of forest were cut down and burned for obtaining the new agricultural fields. Thus whole ecosystems were destroyed. Deforestation in the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia (in the areas of the ancient culture) caused the significant xerophytization and desertification of these areas. In Africa and India the decline of tropical forests has caused increasing the savannah areas; the same happened in South America. It was increased livestock development in the North America and Central Asia, especially in the areas of ancient culture near Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers. This phenomenon caused appearance and spread of the mobile sand dunes. In North America, deforestation caused erosion and emergence of vast areas which so-called bad land. Age of Discovery led to introduction and dissemination of new species, which sometimes rapidly spread in the new conditions. For example, Kudzu or Pueraria lobed (Pueraria lobata) is a plant with leaves that looks like wild grapes. Kudzu came from Japan and Southeast Asia. In 1876 this plant was imported to the South USA (Philadelphia) and presented as a fast growing plant, which effectively restore the soil erosion. Over a period of 50 years in the U.S.A., Kudzu was known as the grapevine that had swallowed the South. Pueraria lobed really has the ability to rapid growth. Thus this plant could reach 30 meters in length during 2 years. Kudzu engrosses everything on the way especially abandoned houses, cars, power lines, other trees and shrubs. The following unsuccessful species invasion is the importation of rabbits in Australia. In 1859 Thomas Austin, Australian farmer, said that the introduction of a few rabbits would not bring much harm, but would be just another source of meat for hunters. He has unleashed 24 rabbits, but to the end of the century the number of rabbits greatly increased, because there were no

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MSc Strategic Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

MSc Strategic Accounting - Essay Example Due to the fact that the strategic costing technique firmly implies long-term future oriented attributes, it can facilitate the organisations to reduce different types of accounting uncertainties (Cadez & Guilding, 2008). Critical Review of Literature With respect to the significance of the strategic costing, Cadez (2008) has mentioned that the notion of strategic costing has become a widely used technique for the organisations in case of proactively performing their range of accounting practices. In relation to the present fiercely competitive scenario of the global business environment, the organisations seek to integrate well-built Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) techniques in order to efficiently attain their strategic goals (Cadez, 2008). Contextually, it has also been found from the study in Qucosa (2006) that the concept of strategic costing constitutes a broad focus beyond the notion of controlling or reducing organisational costs associated with its range of business o perations. Moreover, the nature of strategic costing also encompasses cost information which is significantly recognised as one of the major attributes of making exceptional organisational decisions. In this regard, the study of Qucosa (2006) has further depicted a conceptual framework with respect to the major characteristics of strategic costing. Fig: Concept Strategic Cost Management (Qucosa, 2006) Philosophy: The philosophy of strategic costing can be considered as one of the major attributes which ensures to improve revenue as well as cost of the organisations. The concept of strategic costing significantly emphasises upon enhancing organisational productivity, capitalising in terms of profit enhancement along with augmenting customer satisfaction (Qucosa, 2006). Attitude: The concept of strategic costing constitutes a proactive attitude which ensures to encompass all the costs associated with the organisational processes that result from the management decisions. In this regar d, the attitude of strategic costing involves six important elements such as holistic nature, market orientation, anticipatory approach, continuousness, participative and cross-functional attributes (Qucosa, 2006). Techniques: Techniques can be recognised as the major attribute that exists within the concept of strategic costing. The concept of strategic costing firmly involves reliable techniques that are implemented by the organisations in order to accomplish their desired goals or obtain overall needs (Qucosa, 2006). The notion of strategic costing can also be considered as an effectual curriculum for the organisations. In accordance with the viewpoints of Banerjee (2006), it has been revealed that an effective practice of strategic costing tends to facilitate the firms to frequently analyse and recognise their major cost drivers, thus helping them to minimise costs and increase the overall value of the firms. Such types of management accounting programme plays a vital role for t he organisations in terms of preparing budget parameter as well as it also facilitates

International law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

International law - Assignment Example aw was catalyzed by international trade, which required merchants from one state to be protected against the activities of other merchants of another state. With the increase in international trade, warfare and exploration the need for international law became essential. Treatises between nations became useful as they were intended to be binding between the nations. The proliferation of treatises, practices, rules and customs became complex and scholars started to compile them into systematic treatises. Hugo Grotius provided the first comprehensive conception of international law in his treatise â€Å"De Jure Belli Ac Pacis Libri Tres† (Schmitt 2008). Grotius’s conception of international was grounded on natural law, human reason and custom. His argument in respect to natural law is that relations between nations should be governed by an international body based on divine justice and morality. The law between nations should be governed by the law of the people, established through the consent of the nations and founded on commitment and observance. In his view, things were either good or bad by their nature. According to Grotius, law is not derived from above but from principles which include maxims that promises must be honored and restitution is required for harm to others. These two values have served as the foundation for international law. Additionally, Grotius took a positivist view of international law. In his perspective, emphasis should be given to what is done as opposed to what ought to be done. It is noteworthy that although Grotius based his perspective of international law on natural law, he also posits that nations can create binding rules between themselves. Grotius was instrumental in the formation of the concept of international society. In this respect an international society is a community held together by believes that nations have rules that apply to all of them. Written agreements and customs form the basis of the law that governs this

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Textual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Textual Analysis - Essay Example The first of these texts which will be analyzed is that of Dorothea Lasky’s â€Å"Black Life†. This particular poem, though brief, expounds a very nuanced and full-bodied meaning of just what seeming meaninglessness greets the newborn child upon entering life. Says Lasky, â€Å"You are born and it is to a black life/Full of abuse and strange things†¦You die and it is from a black life/That you die from/You leave this one and go into the next/Where nothingness surrounds and evaporates/With the ease of something/That has done this sort of thing before† (Lasky 1). By detailing the somewhat meaningless yet methodical pressures that move all humanity through its brief experience on earth, the author is able to detail some sense and methodology to what has otherwise been labeled as a form of madness and ultimate depression with regards to the transient nature of life and its ultimate meaning. Although such a definition is no more comforting than any other definiti on of life and the ultimate depression it espouses, the author goes on to define some rationality to the way in which this â€Å"black life† leaves the earth with little to no fanfare or care on the part of those around it. Says Lasky, â€Å"I leave and I am black life/I leave you cause you didn’t need me after all/And I want to/Be what you made me to be/But you never really made me/This life made me/This thing that I am† (Lasky 1). In admitting that the world is perhaps better off without this blight of a depressed human being, the author is able to underscore the meaninglessness that life entails as the world cares not whether this depressed person is gone. Moreover, the ultimate cause of the depression is related not to be something biological, not something that has been recognized due to the singular unfairness of life; rather, it is born out of the fact that they â€Å"never really

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions in India Essay Example for Free

Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions in India Essay The corporate sector all over the world is restructuring its operations through different types of consolidation strategies like mergers and acquisitions in order to face challenges posed by the new pattern of globalisation. The intensity of such operations is increasing with the de-regulation of various government policies as a facilitator of the neo-liberal economic regime. The intensity of cross-border operations recorded an unprecedented surge since the mid-1990s and the same trend continues. Earlier, foreign firms were satisfying their market expansion strategy through the setting up of wholly owned subsidiaries in overseas markets which has now become a ‘second best option since it involves much time and effort that may not suit to the changed global scenario, cross-border mergers and acquisitions became the ‘first-best option’ to the leaders and others depended on the follow-the-leader’ strategy. The Indian corporate sector too experienced such a boom in mergers and acquisitions that led restructuring strategies especially after liberalization, Four types of growth strategies adopted by the firms. Firms started with domestic production and began to export to the foreign markets, establishment of subsidiaries in overseas market was the next stage and as a fourth phase, firms started to acquire firms in foreign markets instead of establishing subsidiaries. The increasing magnitude of investment through cross-border mergers and acquisitions and its emergence as a major component of FDI even in the case of developing countries such as India, why firms are engaging in cross-border consolidations instead of establishing subsidiaries or to engage in export-oriented growth.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effective Communication for Enhancing Leadership

Effective Communication for Enhancing Leadership Main Title of Article Review : Role of Effective Communication for  Enhancing Leadership and Entrepreneurial Introduction Effective communication plays a vital role nowadays in affecting a person’s life whether in his working life or daily lifestyle. A person needs to master the effective communication skills so that he could succeed in his career or relationship with others. Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation, so that we can resolve conflict. Besides, effective communication also can build trust and respect, and established creative environments and problem solving. An improper communication or ineffective communication will likely to cause misunderstanding and finally leads to frustration and conflict. One has to learn how to communicate effectively so that the information can be shared with his listener smoothly and to prevent unwanted negative feelings from others. We send, receive, and process an enormous amount of messages every day. But for effective communication, it is not merely exchanging information, it is also about understanding the emotions behind the conversations. Effective communication can at home, work, and in social situations to improve relationships, by deepening your connections to others, to improve teamwork, decision-making, and problem solving. It enables you to create no conflict or communication difficulties even negative news or threatening trust. However, effective communication often comes with a set of four primary skills, which are: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. One has to learn those four skills to fully master effective communication. There is one of the most important aspects for effective communication, which is listening. A successful listening means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also need to understanding how the speaker feels when they communicate. However, speaking gives others the most significant impact. A person who is good at expressing, they have a better chance to succeed in his academic and professional career as he poses a more confident personality. Self-confidence leads to the development of the leadership and entrepreneurial qualities. Due to the leaders and entrepreneurs display the quality to implementation plans, it shows that they are good human resource managers. Besides, they also show that they are able to take their team forward to achieve goals in the right direction. In a nutshell, effective communication skill is very crucial in our daily lives nowadays. Many of our achievements depend on this skill. Therefore, as students, we must learn effective communication skill not only to foster relationship with other students, but also to secure our profession in the near future. Summary This review is about the role of effective communications for enhancing leadership and entrepreneurial skills is getting more important to every individual in today’s society. An excellent expression, the use of right words at the right time is the key in becoming a first-class leader. The four primary skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking have been now practiced by every individual throughout the world to enhance their inner potential. It is obvious that good communication skills are needed for everyone. Working in an organization, having a good leadership is more preferable than having a good managerial performance as it is easier to perform and accomplish tasks and objectives for the organization. A self-confidence person is able to come out with a qualified plan and lead his team towards the right direction to achieve the organization’s goals. Entrepreneurism is not a foreign concept to the academic world in this 21st Century. The development of knowledge is providing employability and entrepreneurship skills which is a logical expression for a university student. An excellent manager should consist of the listening, speaking, group contribution and interaction of information as most significant business students in this 21st Century. A manager should have the ability to bring up and motivate the members so that they will perform better and achieve the objectives. A manager should also have the psychomotor ability that involves in the communication competence. Listening and understanding are the ways of being a thoughtful communicator for manager. In the nutshell, the development of leadership qualities, speaking skills is the most important in development of leadership qualities effectively. Communication is the human connection and it is the key to personal and career success. Critique According to Manshoor Hussain Abbasi, Attiya Siddiqi and Rahat ul Ain Azim (2011), they have stated that people who want to success in their academic life, they need to have own communication, leadership and entrepreneurial skills together to generate the full potential of an individual. The authors had accomplished the article with their objectives and it is a useful article for university students. Through this article, we know that good communication skills had become very important in this 21st century. Students who are able to express themselves will gain a better chance to succeed in his or her career. They should take part in university events frequently to develop a good communication skill. For example, they can be event organizer or committee to gain some experience in order to train their entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Throughout the event, they may learn how to maintain a good interpersonal relationship and two-ways communication with each other. In this article, we found that there have several grammar and spelling errors. For example, Paragraph Errors Corrections Introduction ( paragraph 2 of line 7) N In Introduction ( paragraph 2 of line 8) Robe Role Introduction ( paragraph 4 of line 10) it obvious in it is obvious in Introduction (paragraph 7 of line 10) being an thoughtful a thoughtful Question 25 of first questionnaire as compare to as compared to Conclusion Question 11 of first questionnaire to built to build There are 22 references in this journal, indicating high accuracy. Although the citations are clear, there are plenty of citations causing the view of this article messy and crowded. Other than that, the level of language in the article is easy to understand for the university students. Moreover, the weakness of Methodology part is the questions were asked and analyzed without numbering it. Thus, this has caused trouble to the reader when they have to keep on referring back to the questions frequently while reading the article. From this article, have several ideas had been over emphasized. For instance, from paragraph 2 of the Introduction part, the paragraph had over emphasized the difference between the manager and the leader. It is irrelevance with the topic of this article. Moreover, the last paragraph of the Introduction part, which is discussing about the four skills that integrate with communication, entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Unfortunately, the paragraphs just focus on one of the four skills which are listening and without elaborate the other skills. For the Methodology part, these authors had implemented a good method of presenting the data analysis which related to entrepreneurship, leadership and students’ general responsibilities and integrity. There have 25 questions to show the result of five-pint Likert scale in percentages. Every question had interpreted that the recommendation to solve the particular affair. For example, the Question No. 25 had stated that we should provide environment in our educational institution to resolve the young entrepreneurs have many obstacles as compare to the experienced one. Therefore, young entrepreneurs will become a confident person and accomplish their goals easily. Other than that, the article used table to present the data analysis in Second Questionnaire is clearer than data analysis in Methodology. In our review, the method of data analysis in Methodology is complicated and it is time-consuming because we need to read the data word by word. On the contrary, reliability statist ics in second questionnaire is easy to understand by the reader and delivered the information to the audiences quickly without wasting of time as the table show the distribution of information separately. Conclusion In summary, we know that the author’s position that there are 3 important skills in leading an individual to a successful academic life. The authors have stated that a strong communication, leadership and entrepreneurial skills leading an individual to success in their academic life and it have been effectively supported. This article is successful although there are some flaws such as several grammars, spelling error, untidy references, omitting in numbering the questions, and also the over emphasizing some of the points but the author has elaborated the importance and integration of communication, leadership and entrepreneur skills by providing various of reference, making the article’s level of language is easy to be understood by university students, well prepared and analyzed questions, good method in presenting the data by showing the result of five-pint Likert scale in percentages and the information in articles are well delivered to the readers. The article has contributed in delivering an important message to the students that the keys of success in their academic life. Finally, the articles could help the university students and also working persons to have an idea how to get success in their academic life.  

Understanding Enterprise And Enterprising Skills Commerce Essay

Understanding Enterprise And Enterprising Skills Commerce Essay Being enterprising means to show initiative and a willingness to undertake new, often risky, projects. It is also about having the mindset and attitude to problem solving. many people think that an enterprising person is someone who runs their own business. However, enterprising people can be foundà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨in all walks of life, for example at your school, in sports and among TV celebrities. Someone who runs his or her own business is just one example of an enterprising person. In this essay, the following would be discussed: what an owner-managed enterprise is and how to define it. Key set of skills and behavior required to be enterprising and the benefits of being enterprising. I would also be sharing on my background and experience where I have been enterprising. Definition of an owner-managed enterprise An owner-managed enterprise is a business run by an individual. It can range from running a simple barber in a neighbourhood vicinity to managing a food store. Such businesses are usually either a family run business or a business that does not require much man power. In my definition, an owner-managed enterprise is one that can be a simple online merchandise seller to a provision store. There is one owner who either works for himself or has a few workers under him. Owner managed enterprises are also usually started by self-aspiring entrepreneurs who like to rise up to the challenge and start a business or entity by themselves. 3.0 Key skills and behaviour required to be enterprising In order to be enterprising, a certain set of skills and knowledge are required. An enterprising individual is always known to be someone whom uses their initiative to identify new opportunities. They also tend to be innovative and are usually determined to achieve. They usually see opportunities in all aspects of life and are marked by imagination, ambition, energy and readiness to undertake new projects. In my opinion, enterprising requires the following qualities: Energy Working hard, but also in a smart way, is key in entrepreneurship. Lots of both mental and physical energy is needed to be able to face all the challenges involved in providing solutions to issues and for the successful completion of projects. To sustain this energy, you need to stimulate your brains and all your senses, so that they all stay alert in identifying what needs to be done in different situations. Need to achieve Have the motivation to achieve success and accomplish all the activities you engage in is essential in being enterprising. A firm attitude and perceptiveness would allow and individual to work towards acceptable results whenever you set out to do something. This approach one to work harder. Task oriented In order to gain satisfying rewards, tasks have to be well executed and completed on time. Efficiency, effectiveness and time management are important aspects that enable an individual to complete tasks. Being able to focus on results helps one to concentrate on whatever they set out to do. Empathy You are able to mentally put yourself in the position of the person or persons you intend to influence. You want to feel what they are feeling. You are able to put yourself in their shoes. In the case of a business enterprise you are able to imagine how a potential customer would feel. Resourcefulness You are able to provide the leadership and guidance needed to realize the enterprise. Identification, mobilization and effective utilization of both the physical and the non-physical resources needed in undertaking a venture are very important in the enterprise process. Planning To be able to see the total picture of the enterprise in terms of why it should be set up, what needs to be done, how it will be done, who will do it and when it will be done, it is necessary to establish a written plan. This will help to clarify the situation and permit decisions to be made as to whether to engage in activities that will result in an enterprise being set up or not. In the case of business ventures, it is through planning that indication on whether there will be profits or losses will be made available. Risk-taking The decision to go ahead and start the enterprise or undertake the activity must be made. All enterprising men and women make this decision only after they have done a certain amount of research, so that in the end they are usually able to achieve the results, succeed and receive the rewards. You will always have to take this first step, as it marks the difference between enterprising and non-enterprising men and women. Success begins with the decision to star moving in the right and desired direction. Innovation The ability to apply new ideas that will enable you to undertake activities differently is another hallmark of enterprising men and women. Through individual initiative, imagination, intuition and insight you will be able to change things around or devise ways of doing things to accommodate whatever new situation you may find yourself in. Information on different issues and fields is an important input for being innovative. Enterprising men and women therefore place great value on information and are always alert and constantly engaging in research. Skills Enterprising men and women have the ability or know-how that enables them to undertake and complete activities. Most men and women have a certain amount of knowledge, attitudes and practical skills that can be useful when realizing an enterprise. You should therefore evaluate the talents and level of skills you have and how they can be harnessed to realize an enterprise. Talents and acquired skills have to be constantly utilized otherwise they can also be forgotten and wasted. Endurance There are many challenges to be faced when trying to set up an enterprise. Women face specific challenges, some of which are negative and discouraging. To ultimately realize the enterprise that will provide you with the rewards you desire, the ability to keep on track despite the many challenges along the way is critical. Patience, persistence and confidence are some of the attitudes you will need to adopt to enable you to endure the physical and mental challenges you may encounter. 4.0 Outline some of the key areas drawing upon your background and experience to demonstrate where you have been enterprising. Enterprising does not define to just be the capability to run a business. Being enterprising is a character skill that can be either is detected through everyday action. For example, as a young kid, I always had the love for sports and at that age, it was basketball. Upon futile attempts at begging my parents for a ball, I realised that there was only one way to get what I wanted and that was on my own. As such, I started saving pocket money and not spend it on recess. This habit has cultivated a resourcefulness instinct in me. From managing to save bits from my recess money over a month and eventually attaining my goal then has led me to think before spending and see its worth. I believe it is enterprising as it given me the knack of identifying if a product is now worth its cost. For instance, when purchasing a pair of shoes, unlike people of my age group who look at two things that being the price and the brand, I look at a few other things. The key things I look out for is if it can last long and if its material and workmanship justify the price. Being resourceful has led me to start some business projects but however due to school and time constraints, I have ended it. For one, I used to work as a events planner. As an events planner, to intrigue customers, I had to be innovative and creative and come up with new ideas from the decorating the event location to the itinerary. This was to be beneficial for me as the more I came up with, the more profits I would make. After confirming their requests, I would find sublets of each individual requirement and comb it up to the one event. Although it did not give me a stable monthly income, it did not require me to have a capital but just required enterprising skills. These experiences have also given me the capacity to have a marketing and sales edge. Prior to school, I was working in an engineering firm as a technician. As sales engineers racked up money for bringing in sales, I wanted to try my go at bringing in sales while being a technician as well. I rang up friends and whomever I knew in the industry and managed to eventually get some contracts and deals. Although I was a technician only and a temp staff at that, I gained self-satisfaction with my capability as I managed to achieve bigger things over time although slowly, but I believe patience is also a vital factor in enterprising. 5.0 What are the benefits of being enterprising for your future employment? As mentioned in section 4.0, enterprising has complemented me in all the types of work I have ventured in. In addition I believe I have the resourcefulness and capability of transforming scrap metal into something of more value like a sculpture. An enterprising person is someone who has an eye for details and keeps his eyes open and mind active. It also requires one to be skilled enough, confident, and creative and most importantly disciplined enough to seize opportunities regardless of how bad the economy may be at the point. Importantly, I believe to be enterprising, it requires one to be resourceful. One is resourceful by using his own initiative to make the best of things. By being resourceful, he automatically learns to be innovative and creative. With these two valuable skills in hand, it automatically leads to achievement. Upon graduation, I would be armed with a degree in mechanical design and manufacturing. In the aspects of manufacturing, one key aspect in this degree would be to be resourceful. Manufacturing requires great production in least time. As such, by being resourceful, the company would be able to be thrifty and gain more profits as even by being able to have an eye for detail and change a minor thing, the company can save much as it would be amplified due to production rates. Having a mechanical engineering degree encompasses one to possess an eye for details. Engineering defines to transform creativity into innovation. Having an idea and being able to visualize it and most importantly explode it and make it a reality is important and by being enterprising, one would have the means to find out ways to make this happen. I believe this attribute would be truly important for my future employer as he would definitely be able to market innovative products. Another important attribute of enterprising a mechanical engineer would require is to find out what you can before action is taken. This defines to be every prepared. Before engaging in a task, one must be prepared by doing all homework and research. Ensure all avenues have been checked so that he is ready. As mentioned above, creativity is important but most importantly one requires courage to let the creativity flow. To see differently, I believe one requires courage. Courage is important in innovation as it gives one the ability to not follow main stream and take a part not taken before. As engineers, to decipher new innovations, courage is vital. Enterprising also defines to be seeing the future in the present. This would define one to find a way to take advantage of situations and not be buried by it. This would eliminate laziness and keep one goal orientated. As engineers, in most companies, there are targets to be met on a yearly basis. By having this attribute, one can reach and if possible over hit this number to ensure maximized profits in an industry. Lastly, being enterprising doesnt just relate to the ability to make money. Being enterprising also means feeling good enough about yourself, having enough self-worth to want to seek advantages and opportunities that will make a difference in your future. This would ideally increase confidence, courage, creativity and self-worth. This defines the enterprising nature. In an engineering company, one must be able to encompass all these attributes to stand out and maximize a degree. Innovation and creativity is the key and enterprise naturally complements an idea. As such, I believe by encompassing these attributes, it would truly benefit my future employer.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Transmission of Diseases from Livestock :: History Disease Health Medical Essays

The Transmission of Diseases from Livestock The signs at the Philadelphia International Airport are bold and make a clear point. The bright, yellow billboards all but shout: "Keep Foot and Mouth Disease out of America." Soon after seeing these signs upon entrance to the airport, travelers are greeted by customs agents who check documentation and bags to insure that the traveler has not been prone to the disease on his journeys. Any traveler exhibiting the warning signs of an individual who carries the disease is quickly swept away- removed from the general populace in order to prevent possible spreading of the disease. The above precautions may seem extreme. Then again, the precautions may appear normal in a world that has quickly strengthened airport security in response to recent terrorist activities. Neither of these reactions to the security checks would be fully accurate. The security checks preventing free entrance by individuals who have come into contact with animals or areas that house animals abroad are an innovation designed to prevent the most common method for spreading disease. These precautions have been implemented in order to prevent the spread of diseases infecting livestock. Throughout the course of history, diseases have been the greatest killers of humans. In fact, the winners of most wars were simply the ones who proved less susceptible to the germs carried by the enemy (Diamond, p. 197). Diamond correctly points out, then, that diseases have been the largest shaper of history. For instance, what would the world look like now if the Native Americans had carried germs that were far more potent than the Spanish conquistadors? (p. 197) The diseases that have been the great molders of the human experience are very often and quite easily traced back to animals, specifically livestock. Food production was seen relatively early in history of civilization as a better means for providing for a great number of people than the hunter-gatherer model that was once the primary model of existence. The success of food production in maintenance of human life leads to a society which has become dependant on farming, ranching, and other ways of life that produce foods from animals. The increased number of individuals able to be supported by a society supported by agriculture serves as an important factor in the spreading of disease. The most common method for spread of disease is direct transmittance from the animals to the humans.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Themes of the Odyssey :: essays research papers

Throughout the Odyssey there are many themes that Homer uses to portray different people and events. To name a few, there are the themes of Betrayal and Revenge,Greed and Glutony, Hospitality, Role of the Gods and Wealth (the amount of money one had determined the status he held in the greek society, and this explains Odysseus's love for plunder). To start with the most common one, the role of the gods, one can see many such allusions thrown all over the odyssey. The epic poem starts in Mt.Olympus where the gods are discussing what will happen to Odysseus , Master mariner and warrior of Ithaka. As it so happens he is on the island of Kalypso, one of the lesser gods. Also, as Odysseus travels, one learns about the role of the gods in not only his travels but other peoples ones too. Agisthos, the man who stole Agamemnon's wife and killed him, was sent a message from Zeus by Hermes, giving him the information of what will happen if he kills him. Also, Menelaus, the red haired king of war, had to wrestle with a sea-god in order to gain acceptance and sail all the way back to his homeland of Sparta, and find news about the rest of his companions. He would not find out about his brothers demise until he got home. The next two themes are interelated, Betrayal and Revenge, with Greed and Glutony.THe gods punish those who show greed and glutony, but that does not mean that they cannot be punished as well. A prime example of this is when Posiedon is out feasting among the 'sun-burnt' races that were deemed to be his own. While he was feasting, Odysseus escaped the island of Kalypso, something that Poseidon did not like and was to late to stop from happening. While he was being gluttanos and eating all that food, Odysseus had escaped. Another example would be the murder of Agamemnon. Agisthos was greedy and wanted money and status, as well as Agamemnon's wife and Agamemnon's wife betrayed Agamemnon when she went off with him and even more so when they both killed him. However, the theme of Betrayal is often closely followed by the theme of Revenge. Agamemnon's son, Orestes, would go back and avenge his father's death, killing Agisthos and his mother even though later on in greek mythology he knew he would be punished for killing her.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Translation in Movies Names

Introduction As we all known, film is an audio-visual art. This glamorous act is a magnificent gem in human history, which creates romantic stories and leads human into a marvelous land we have never come before. Looking back to the development history of film, we cannot deny that film reflects the society reality and the time spirit. As the cultural exchange between China and overseas become booming, film plays an important role as culture envoy. Film was entrusted with the mission to let more people from different cultural backgrounds to enjoy the entertainment and share advanced technology together.This is an unavoidable trend in the world now. The film is an art, unlike other type of work, producing an effect on the human senses through a variety of information media. So the translation of film titles is also different from other kinds of translation. From its type, title translation belongs to special translation studies. English Translation of Movie Titles, Even though only a s mall number of domestic scholars did this research, title translation is beginning to attract people’s attention.As we know, China has been more open for its movie market and its domestic movie industry is booming, an increasing number of overseas films come into Chinese big screens. Meanwhile, a great number of local movies have found their way to the international market. Films are not only a way of spreading exotic culture to the local audience, but also a significant approach to disseminate national culture for overseas people. Thus, translation in movies names is of great importance when both introducing foreign movies and selling domestic ones. Suitable translation can attract the public to enter into cinemas.Local films can also benefit a lot from good translation as well when being publicized overseas. In recent years, it is indeed an amazing feat to study translation by analyzing the structure of communication, especially suitable for the translation of movie titles because the film itself is a mass media. Communication is the activity of conveying information. In the process of title translation, information conveying is more complicated as translation is a cross-cultural information dissemination. As a necessary part of culture, the movie name is inevitably reflected the characteristics of their respective cultures.Although Chinese and Western cultures are different, we can still find many similarities between the two. Undoubtedly, movie title translation contributes a lot to cultural exchanges. If the title translation concern more about film name itself and cultural implication, it will receive an unexpected effect. II. The Importance of Movies Names Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. It is a process of creation which is based on certain culture implication and scientific knowledge. Therefore, the translation is re-creation.Most movie titles have only a f ew words, however, it is the crowning touch to the film. This important role put forward higher requirements for the translation of film titles. Film is an audio-visual art. Instead of being displayed in the shelves as books and newspapers, it firstly appeals to the audience by its name. Thus, movies names are the key to affect the box-office receipts. In another words, to a movie, its name is being its slogan and advertisement. Therefore, each word and phrase in the movies names should be carefully weighed against the original language to ensure the fullest accuracy and clarity.According to some reports, some producers in developed countries spare no effort to give perfect names to their movies. A movie may have several provisional names which could be revised more than once before it comes out in theaters. What is more, a movie may get no certain name even its whole photography process has been finished. For some Chinese well-known movie companies, they have established panels whi ch are composed of many professional translators to make their movies’ names sound more international and let the foreign people know better about the movie before entering into the cinema. III.Methods of Translation As title translation is of great significance, translators should try their best to make the movie names sound more popular and colloquial to increase persuasion and appeal. To deal with the cultural differences in intercultural translation, various skills can be adopted, including literal translation, free translation, adding translation, and explanation translation. The movie title is the unity of language and national culture, so the title translation should adopt a flexible method, and strive to impress the audience to achieve the same function with the original title. 1.Literal Translation 1. 1. Characteristics Literal translation, or directed translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another â€Å"word-for-word† rather than conveying the sense of the original. Literal translation seeks to carry over every possible nuance of meaning in the original words of movies’ names into our own language and as far as possible to capture the precise wording of the original text and style. As such, its emphasis is on â€Å"word-for-word† correspondence, at the same time taking into account differences of grammar, syntax, and idiom between current literary English and Chinese.Thus it seeks to be transparent to the original text, letting the public see as directly as possible the structure and meaning of the original. Based on the language universals, literal translation can convey the origin content using the similar forms. 1. 2. Examples Some movies named by leading characters can employ literal translation to retain the intention and context. Britain film Jane Eype ( ), American film Spartacus ( ), Sister Carrie ( ) and Dr. Edward ( ) are good examples of using this method. These names sound natural and are ea sy to remember.There are also some films named by the nickname of the characters adopting literal translation. Taking the Rain Man( ) as an example, rain man is another saying of people with autism. Its Chinese name, an essentially literal translation, illustrated the subject of the film that the leading character Rain is having some emotional frustration. What is more, the Miner †s Daughter, biographical film based on the life story of the famous American country music singer, Houluolita Lynn , was literally translated as ; An American in. of Paris, the 24th Academy Awards Good movie, was translated as The Godfather, 45th Oscar Best Picture, was also translated as. These good translation versions are consistent with the appearance, while maintaining the essence of the original name both in the form and in the meaning. 2. Paraphrase 2. 1. Characteristics The word â€Å"paraphrase† is defined as: under the limitations of the social and cultural differences in the target language, the translator had to abandon the literal meaning of the original form to match and the main language features. A paraphrase or free translation is a restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words.In contrast to the â€Å"essentially literal† translation, paraphrase have followed a â€Å"thought-for-thought† rather than â€Å"word-for-word† translation philosophy, emphasizing â€Å"dynamic equivalence† rather than the â€Å"essentially literal† meaning of the original. A â€Å"thought-for-thought† translation is of necessity more inclined to reflect the interpretive opinions of the translator and the influences of contemporary culture. Paraphrase is another way that often used when translating because there is linguistic disparity between different countries.When the ideological content of the original forms and expression of the translation are contradictory, translators would paraphrase them instead of using l iteral translation in order to maintain the names’ same meaning and linguistic function. The way to decide which content suits direct translation, or which content is suitable for free translation, depends on the comparative study of culture and linguistics between ancient and today. 2. 2. Examples The film adaptation of Robert James Waller novel, The Bridges of Madison County, was literally translated as.This translation is unable to arouse the audience's imagination, but the effect of another version as will be not the same. It not only strengthens the theme, but also appeals to the imagination of the audience, thus creating an artistic realm for them. In various types of construction, the bridge seems to be the best to lead to a romantic association, since ancient times, there have been a lot of touching love stories occurred at the bridge. â€Å" † symbolizes the lingering thoughts from year to year; â€Å"? † represents the pity and regret; â€Å"? tells us the love of the hero and heroine can only be a dream. Every word in the title can lead to endless thinking and a great deal of imagination. Whatever, paraphrasing should base on the content of the movie. Expressive form is the main difference between free translation and literal translation. The former needs to explain the meaning, on the other hand, the later translate the names directly. For instance, the move Gone with the Wind which is adapted from a well-known novel of the same title is translated as when it was released in China.This vision is not only pleasing to the eye but also accord with the content of the movie. But if it is named as , though having no language mistakes, is inferior. Another examples using this method are shown, such as Ghost ( ), The Wizard of OZ , Top Gun( ). Apart from the movies mentioned above, there are also similar examples which should translate according to their accent but employ paraphrase such as Rebecca( )and Cleopatra( ). 3. Transliter ation 3. 1. Characteristics Transliteration is translating the title into another language based on pronunciation.English movies, which are named after movie film hero's name or place name, are commonly used transliteration without causing a distortion of the target language culture. The hit movie Harry Potter used the transliteration because people are already familiar with the hero Harry as the great scale to the original best-selling and movie pre-publicity. But many examples show that there are very few examples of pure transliteration since the title of the person's name or place names are mostly familiar to the domestic audience, even incomprehensible.In the translation of Chinese names, and other proper nouns, many contradictions of transliteration will arise due to the difference between native language and foreign language phonetic systems. Using transliteration is bound to affect the attendance of the film. At this time, the transliteration adding to paraphrase should be g iven to consideration in order to obtain satisfactory results. Such as Patton( );Forrest, Gump( );King Kong( )and so on. 3. 2. Examples Movie Ben-Hur which is based on the biblical story was translated as .Ben-Hu is a film hero's name; Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone wrote and performed the film Rocky won the 1976 annual Oscar Award for Best Picture. Rocky is name of the hero , transliterated as ; taken in 1973, the American film Papillon translated as is a classic escape theme movie. The Papillon is French, meaning â€Å"butterfly† . In the film it refers to the actor because he has a chest stab butterfly tattoo; 16th Oscar best Picture Award, known as the â€Å"the greatest love the movie of shadow history † Casablanca, translated as ,also uses the transliteration. It is well known that Casablanca is Morocco's largest city.Title using the example of the transliteration is simple and retains some â€Å"foreign flavor†. However, it should be noticed that so me movie titles of the person's name or place names are mostly familiar to the domestic audience such as Thelma and Louise. Thelma and Louise are the two heroines of the film. They encountered a series of sexual violence and sexual harassment during a simple trip. After the murder, they escaped. The film intends to convey a strong desire of the women to be the master of fate. And women's equality and security of personal social are the movie's themes. The film has been paraphrased as .This translation is very consistent with the film's theme and content. And its Chinese title is neither subject to the restrictions of English language. 4. Adding Transliteration 4. 1. Characteristics Some English words do not have their Chinese counterparts because of differences between two languages. In this case, translators often add some words to make the movie title sound comprehensive among the domestic audience. Adding translation is a case of adding some words based on the content of the movi e in order to meet the mental acceptance and cultural expectance of the audience. . 2. Examples For example, American movie Patton was translated as . It is a story telling about things happened during the World War?. People who are interested in the history of war or military stories would be attracted by its Chinese name before they entering into the cinema. But if the name was translated without any alteration, Chinese people would never guess the content and some groups of audience may be lost. Another example is The Piano which was translated as , if it was translated directly as , most people would think it was just an educational movie.However, translators added the word â€Å"? † to its original name to let the viewers get a brief idea of the movie that it is a story about things happened in a piano lesson. There are another cases also used this method such as Seven( ), Deep Impact( ), Sister Act( )and so on. IV. Principles of Translation Although the translation of film titles has its own specialty, it has something in common with other genres of translation. The translation process should reflect the following four principles: 1. Informative value principleTitle translation should convey the information related to the contents of the original film, achieving the unity of title form and film content, which is also called the equivalent of the value of information. The emphasis of translation of is equilibrium. The process of English movie title translation should firstly be faithful to the movie information. That means the translation of film titles should convey the information in line with the original information of the movie to achieve the unity of the translation of the title and original movie content.The word â€Å"faithful† refers to the translation must be accurate and truthful and the meaning can neither be free to distort, nor any increase or decrease. 2. Cultural value principle Translation is not simply the language conver sion process, but also the social phenomena of cultural exchanges. Cultural values, reflected in the title translation to promote cultural exchange and understanding, is the important task of the translation of film titles. The movie title reflects the cultural value of film, which requires the translator to be not only a mere translator but also a cultural carrier.So translators should have a deeper study of two kinds of language and culture. In the process of title translation, different languages have different conventions and codes. Then the translator is bound to follow certain cultural adaptation and take full account of cultural implication in order to better communicate cultural information through language. In the West, the social development history, geography and climate, history, political and economic values, customs, ethics are very different from Chinese.Cultural values firstly reflected in fully understanding cultural information and accurately transmitting the origi nal title culture. Let's take a look at a famous 1995 psychological thriller â€Å"seven†. The film a strong visual impact and the dark background described a highly philosophical meaning of the crime story: a crazy murderer to consider themselves to God, around the Catholic seven capital offenses disciplinary one by one kill. Seven capital offense refers to the seven men often commit the fault, namely: the gluttonous greed, , ,sloth , lust , pride , envy and rage wrath. Seven, this mysterious figure in the religious (which is in the old â€Å"fullest: God created Adam using seven days, remove the Adam's seventh ribs made the original body of Eve, Satan is the dragon of seven heads) in the film can be described as ubiquitous, seven crime seven penalty seven rain, the story takes place in seven days, or even ending by the offender set at 7 pm on the seventh day of the ubiquitous â€Å"7† imply that the fate of the Crime and Punishment.However, it is conceivable that if the Chinese translation for a â€Å"simple, Chinese audiences will not produce the same cultural association and identity, so the movie screened, translated as† Seven â€Å", pointing to the story line and the seven most major and religious meaning. It can be described as cultural values embodied in the classic example. Chinese translation of the film American Beauty, trouble is also the root cause of this. Popular translation – â€Å"American Beauty†, and earlier tacky little â€Å"American Beauty† is not accurate, it can be said too literally.American beauty is the red rose of the U. S. production of flowering seasons. The roses are beautiful, holy, said the noble and sacred love, especially red roses, but also love gift to share. According to the myths and legends, a god of love to personally pick Rose took to give his lover, too eager mood, the action is some confusion, accidentally finger was punctured by the squid, the blood sprinkled on the pet als of roses, originally The white petals dyed red.Cupid holding a rose-red with their blood spent to give lovers and lovers to see, very excited, gratitude for a hundredfold return Cupid's loyalty. After the red roses of pure love and firm, especially lovers favorite. Movie to spend Yu flower expressions, flowers and beauty, closer together. Taiwan's well-known herein florid translation of the change translated as â€Å"heart? Rose Love† to China rose instead of the United States rose to reveal the spiritual connotation of the film, it touches do not have mood.But the film also has a more direct and accurate cultural translation â€Å"American Beauty†. There is also a translation is called â€Å"Beautiful guilty† may be issued by the translator according to the story of lament! In addition, due to language and cultural differences, a form similar to the Chinese and British vocabulary, may refer to completely different content, such dubious often leads to disast rous mistranslation.For example: First Wives Club, has been translated as â€Å"The First Wives Club†, not knowing the first wives in English refers to the first wife of the men, and the Chinese culture, the size of the wife and concubines concubine Yigai irrelevant. This fun-filled comedy, in fact, about a group of Zaokangzhiqi how to revenge yourself Xiatang Chen Shimei her husband and marries another new love. Now translated as â€Å"the first wife club,† the first wife club â€Å"is more accurate.Another example: one hundred one of the classics of â€Å"the Third Man† is initially translated as â€Å"third party†, the Chinese audience mistakenly thought it was a marriage ethics film. In fact, â€Å"the Third Man,† referring to the film, the third car accident witnesses, the film changed translated as â€Å"personal† story translates as â€Å"living hell for the spirits of, I had stumbled on a DVD Title will be translated as the â€Å" third man†! Stick up down. Similarly, due to differences in cultural identity, vocabulary attached to the associative meaning it will miss is as good, Miao away.Animal words, for example, most of the symbol, meaning one after another. To Yibi vivid necessary to correctly understand their meaning. This is not difficult to understand why the movie Dragon Heart, no, literally translated as â€Å"Dragon Heart†. Taking into account the â€Å"dragon† negative associative meaning in English (reminiscent of the cruel, devil), as well as Chinese culture the dragon respected (the Chinese nation, the emperor, a symbol of success), the film, plus a â€Å"magic word translation The Tarrasque legendary.In addition, the title in the idioms, allusions to load a lot of cultural information, often not from the literal meaning of understanding, engaged in sloppy, Shuaier surgeon is bound to be mistakes, a laughing stock. For example, â€Å"Rambo: First Blood† has been trans lated as â€Å"First Blood†. Little do they know â€Å"the first the blood† is the English idiom, meaning â€Å"first battle†. Taiwan will be â€Å"One Flew, over the the Cuckoo's Nest,† translated as â€Å"the cuckoo's nest†, in fact, â€Å"the Cuckoo's Nest† in English is a â€Å"mental hospital† means! The film was adapted from Ken?Alexis (Ken Kesey, 1935-2001) according to himself experienced in the novel of the same name published in 1962, describes the brutal destruction of a mental hospital patient's humanity and basic human rights, strongly criticized the yoke of the social system, video the last Indians to shake and lift extremely heavy stone and splashing the lens, as well as his brave out of the guard of the prison behind bars, it is film body Now the true meaning: seemingly can not shake the cornerstone of the system, as long as the consciousness of resistance cohesion to a certain moment and broke out the exciting force, will eventually break all fetters, to achieve the newborn. Mainland translation Flew Over the Cuckoo â€Å"and therefore more accurate vividly embodies the true meaning of the original title and the film itself. Film interpretation of the cultural values, we should have the following consensus. On the one hand, you should see the title translation is subject to the target language culture. The target culture is bound to select the source culture, norms, and strengthen, exclusion and belittling, and attach their own cultural color.Chinese translation of the English movie â€Å"Love with My Father,† â€Å"Wedding Night† for the â€Å"Family Fun† â€Å"wedding night†, obviously mixed up with the Chinese cultural flavor. On the other hand, should recognize that translation is a dynamic process of cultural exchange, and therefore asked to judge the historical perspective to measure. In one region or one times fluent and readable translations in some areas, th e era is not necessarily a good translated. Such as space bottling (Space Jim) â€Å"disappeared Pretty Woman (the Runaway Bride) in Hong Kong popular translation in Hong Kong, but inland the audience is very difficult to understand. The meaning of â€Å"bottling† in Cantonese is â€Å"playing basketball†, â€Å"runaway† means â€Å"escape†.Speaking from a diachronic point of view, China's current loose, cheerful social environment, the cultural mentality of the two-way communication, with the further attention of the people to the outside world and social and cultural conditions of the mature, but also will undoubtedly promote the excellent translations of more closer to the style of the original film presented in front of an audience. Such as â€Å"Casablanca† (the Casablanca) has long been replaced by â€Å"Casablanca,† a domestic popular translation. â€Å"The Truman Show† (Trueman the Show translation: the drama of life, Trudeau door programs, etc. ) for a class in Britain a mixture of the title also has been increasingly accepted as part of the Chinese audience. 3. Aesthetic Value PrincipleThe title of the translation of stress to get rid of the original word bound, depth grasp of the ideological and aesthetic content of the work and the ingenuity of the artist's treatment of the original film, the new artistic creation. The native language of the art form to convey the image of the original, emotional, and language arts, the aesthetic experience of conduction in the audience. First of all we must be the exact words and the aesthetic value. The choice of words should strive to sound both the United States, Italy, expressive and vivid. As Somerset Maugham said, â€Å"the word of its power, its sound, and its shape; only consider the sentence, in order to write eye-catching ear†. The exact words and emphasis on vivid. Language used to create a mood, atmosphere, concentrated source language audience's feelings and conduction in the target language audience.Compare the following three groups of titles in English translation, is not difficult to find the second translation can give full play to the Chinese advantage and choice of words precise and appropriate artistic conception, cutting theme of the Central Plains piece, and thus even better: Ex1: You Can not Take It With You â€Å"translated a† you can not take away; â€Å"translated† Take It Ex2 has been engineered: A, Man, from the Snowy River â€Å"translation† from the Snowy River; â€Å"translation† Snowy River man As ex3: Ordinary People â€Å"translation† of ordinary people; â€Å"translation† mortal The exact words and emphasis on sound America. Translator through rhythm, pitch, rhythm, so that the title to read catchy, beautiful sounds, only to convey the emotional meaning, but also enhance the aesthetic effect. Chinese is a tone language, pitch the level of severity, length, sp eed, and constitute a self-assured, high and loud music, accurately express the rich and delicate feelings.Such as the Outland translated as â€Å"outer space† (cadence, rhyme), Courage, translated as â€Å"Under Fire, Life and Death of pride† (circumflex), translated as â€Å"Singing in the Rain† (rhyme) Singing in the Rain ‘, fully embodies the Chinese phonological . English as a tone language, its different tone, stress, light tone, accented arrangement constitute continuous fill the gap, the melody. Such as the â€Å"green lawn (1987), translated as the Green Green the Grass of Home,† great cycle â€Å"translated as the Wheel of Life, successfully embodies the beauty of the melody of English. Alliteration and rhyming English title in order to achieve the sound of America's method. Not uncommon in the title creation and translation.English Title: Picture Perfect (now translated: purely fictitious) Rock and the Rule (now translated: Jesus Christ, Magic Star), Limelight (now Translation: career on the stage); English Translation Title: City Under Siege (formerly known as Chinese: siege ) Fight in South and North (Chinese original name: Civil war) and so on. The exact words and emphasis on precise and appropriate and concise. Only a clear and concise title in order to attract viewers. Can be described as the culmination of many of our translators translated in this regard. Such as A Puzzlement of Love translated as â€Å"love confusion† and the Strange Tale translated as â€Å"strange tale† Intolerance translated as â€Å"partisan†, is lovely. The four-character phrase is often concise, sonorous sounds, expressive, heavily used in Title Translation, accounting for the Translation of title more than 60 percent.Such as: â€Å"Dances with Wolves (Dances with Wolves),† Home Alone â€Å"(Home Alone),† Forrest Gump â€Å"(Forest, Gump,)† Entrapment â€Å"(Entrapment), The Fugitive (the Fug itive), retaining flower portrait (the Bodyguard), The Interpreter (The Interpreter). Another aspect of the aesthetic value is the use of rhetorical devices. Translator copy or a creative way to use rhetoric to cause aesthetic pleasure to the audience. Such as simile Gaslight translated as â€Å"Lang heart, such as iron, repeated France A Few Good Man, translated as† good people only a handful of â€Å"antisense method True Lies translated as† True Lies â€Å", the control of the Great The Great Gatsby, Old wives for New, Love Me Tenderly translated as â€Å"Great Gatsby† old pet new love, â€Å"† Hud Rouchang â€Å"are worthy of our study. 4. Commercial Value PrincipleThe film is both a cultural and commercial art, in the title translation, of course, need to take into account commercial considerations. This requires the translator to take full advantage of the cultural characteristics of the target language and aesthetic interests, to create out of th e language the audience loved the movie title, causing psychological identity, stimulate aesthetic pleasure and viewing desires. For example, according to Canadian writer Michael? Weng Dajie (Michael Ondaatje) best-selling novel of the same name adapted from the English the Patient, is the Second World War for the background of male and female for a period beyond the moral boundaries, romantic and poignant love story about.The novel won the British Booker Prize for Literature, an international reputation, to retain the original novel title attractive to Europe and the United States audience. Hong Kong local audience know very little about the novel, if literally translated as â€Å"The English Patient†, but uninteresting, translator therefore another translated as â€Å"Do not ask who I am†, lyrical strong and fastened the entire film pursuing the life experience of the plot of The English Patient, by the local audience favorite. Taiwan translation of â€Å"The Englis h Patient, VCD, translated† troubled love days â€Å"are fastened film Sad love theme, a strong poetic, after masterpiece.Another embodiment of the commercial value is the title emphasize novel and eye-catching, good at creating suspense, rendering the atmosphere. For example, It Happens One Night Translated as â€Å"It Happened One Night†, translated as â€Å"Sister Act, Sister Act† the Net â€Å"network Cry†, it is very novel and fascinating. Mainland translation of the thriller The Rock â€Å"The Rock†, Hong Kong translation of â€Å"The Rock, Taiwan translated as† Jedi task all tastes, and naturally apt, full of suspense, reflects the combination of artistic and commercial. To achieve the above two purposes, the commercial value reflected in the translation process requires bold and innovative, â€Å"carried away†, or even to change the title in the form to save the contents of the original title.In specific operations, the transl ator often use to increase the word, minus the word, changing classes, and expansion to be translated, and thus play depth to convey the contents of the original film, and enhance the title role of infectious. Please observe the following translation of the cases: Blood and Sand, translated as â€Å"Treasure of the Sierra sand, plus lexical Piano plus the word translated as â€Å"The Piano† the Independence Day by the word translated as â€Å"Independence Day flames, the the Three Musketeers to increase word translated as â€Å"the pride of The Three Musketeers† She is So Lovely reduction translated as â€Å"pleasant child. In the heat of the Night less inflammation Night â€Å".The paraphrase After Vivid, natural and appropriate. Sometimes the literal translation, free translation is difficult to appropriately reflect the contents of the original film, to inspire the audience aesthetic pleasure: some post-translational obscure, nondescript; others are bland, no ch arm. Required to set aside the original title of the form and content, based on the original film content, reinvent the wheel, the source language of the eyes of the target language audience bland title, vividly reproduce the form of language that people loved. Title translator in China in this regard there are many superior for beautiful choice of words, right, and vividly depicts the original film content.Such as Of Mice and Men the movie, adapted from the realist writer John? Steinbeck (John Steinbeck had 1902-2002) of the same name novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men† all resistance analogy farmers efforts are in vain, are able to escape to John? The fate of the mole to describe the poetry of Donne ((John Donne) — hard making good house final inevitably destroyed by the rake of film titles did not copy the title literally translated, but the change to be translated as â€Å"living things† implicit in â€Å"Of Mice and Men† moral of the story to inspire the ri ch Chinese cultural associations (such as Buddhism in the face in the crowd the pain), but also reflects the commercial value, can be described as a rare good translation.In addition, the Volcano is translated as â€Å"to fire Siege, Ghost translated as† Ghost â€Å"Patch Adams, translated as† Cherish the truth â€Å"; If Looks Could Kill translated as† Rear Window shade; the Shark Tale Shark Tale † â€Å"Once Upon a Time† translated as Once Upon a Time in China, Guangdong and Hong Kong criminals â€Å"is translated as Long, the Arm of the Law,† Once a Thief â€Å"translated Once a in Thief are on the product. The above example, you can see, the title translation is not a simple machine to copy the content and form of the original title, but should retain the original value of information, cultural values, aesthetic values, and appropriate emphasis on its commercial value, to achieve functional peer.Specifically, that the movie title should not only be faithful to the original film, but also conforms to the language and cultural characteristics, aesthetic taste; achieve beautifully written, concise and full of strong attraction and appeal; attractive, increase ticket sales. With the increasingly active in international cultural exchange activities, more and more English movies into the Chinese market. Prerequisite to a wonderful apt title of the Chinese to English movies dubbed, became attractive vision of the audience, made box office profits. This article discusses the in-depth analysis of a large number of translated cases on the basis of English movie title translation strategies used five methods, namely, transliteration, translation, free translation, compilation and expansion of translation. ?.Characteristics of Translation In fact, many translation of English Movie Titles reflect the Chinese cultural meaning. Bear the brunt under Waterloo Bridge. â€Å"Waterloo Bridge† in English formerly known as the â €Å"Bridge, Waterloo † Literal translation â€Å" â€Å". Translated as â€Å" † intended to take the traditional Chinese Huangmei Opera Excerpts â€Å" â€Å". â€Å" † is about a poignant love story, coincides with the misfortune of the hero and heroine of Waterloo Bridge. Therefore, videos translated as â€Å"Waterloo Bridge† is not only reflected the main content of the film, but contains the Chinese culture. Another talent of Translation was undoubtedly a Pear Tree pressure Begonia.The film in English formerly known as â€Å"Lolita† is adapted from the famous Russian-born American writer Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita. Lolita is the name of heroine, the novel name is translated as â€Å"Lolita†. About a middle-aged man by the love and possession of the only 12-year-old following the woman story, is a May-September marriages, the translator will take Su poem of a movie name. â€Å"A pear tree pressure Begonia† in allusion to the Song Dynasty Su ridicule friend poet Zhang Xian ridicule. Zhang is said that in the age of 80 married a 18-year-old concubine, Su then quipped: â€Å"Lang, 18 bride eighty. Gray white hair red makeup. Yuanyang where dual night. Pressure Begonia a Pear Tree. † â€Å"Pear â€Å"means the white hair of the old lady,† Begonia â€Å"is as bright dripping Shaoqi.After â€Å"pressure Begonia a Pear Tree† has become a May-September marriages, that is â€Å"old robber euphemism. Although this translation inevitably brings to mind the ridicule of thousands of years ago who gifted poet, a little bad heart and come up with the Chinese translation of the sort of genius in poor taste, but we have to admire the talent of the translator. The same time, the number of Chinese translation so with Chinese characteristics and story apt. â€Å"Honey trap† is another full Chinese translation of the Chinese culture. â€Å"Honey trap† is well known as one of the â⠂¬Å"Thirty-Six. The film â€Å"Notorious,† translated from the movie â€Å"Notorious†. Notorious is a very common English word, meaning â€Å"the infamous, notorious†.The film is about the daughter of the former German spy John, warm, charming Leah father's relationship into the Nazi internal use of the marital relationship successfully steal the enemy intelligence to the story of the effectiveness of the motherland. This is a suspense, there is beauty, spy love, love film, translated as â€Å"honey trap†, and its cultural connotations self-evident. â€Å"My Fair Lady† story based on the works of the famous British playwright George Bernard Shaw's â€Å"Pygmalion†, a transliteration of â€Å"Pygmalion. † Pygmalion Code since ancient times, Cyprus. Prince Pygmalion very fond of the sculpture, the day he succeeded in shaping the image of a beauty. Put it down, soulful eyes every day to watch more than. As I watched, the beauty competiti on live. George Bernard Shaw in the play in shaping another â€Å"Pygmalion† – Higgins, a professor of linguistics.Higgins will be a full country accent flower girl Yi Lisha in the short term training to become a speaking aristocratic accent come and go in the high society of the rich princess, and then fell in love with her unable to extricate themselves. The movie translated as â€Å"My Fair Lady† positive and â€Å"My Fair Lady, Marty† This is eternal good training. However, because the English movie name names or place names, and like the exhaustion of few words, in the process of translation is often a literal translation or transliteration of a simple literal translation or transliteration. Sometimes the lack of beauty. Some even lied. There may even be some joke. Such as movies Lawrence, of Aribia. Chinese translated as â€Å"Lawrence of Arabia† unsatisfactory translated as â€Å"Lawrence of Arabia†. Because for the Chinese audience.T hey think may be more British novelist Lawrence and Lawrence's erotic novel, coupled with the Arab country's unique religious beliefs, the Chinese audience may think of other content deviates from the movie intended. Who would have thought the Lawrence ofAribia is during World War II. Time fighting in the African desert, a German air raid team in hot water, led by General, in the face of the enemy besieged by the enemy in fierce fighting and escape in a hail of bullets, expand the scenes of thrilling war stories ? so â€Å"Lawrence of Arabia† is a very exact description of the audience will soon associate the film's war theme. In another example, the Waterloo Bridge mentioned earlier, such as a simple literal translation processing, it becomes a â€Å"Waterloo Bridge†, the audience will soon think of Napoleon. How will not and love together.Previous years, large tracts of Titanic tone into the â€Å"Titanic†, the Hong Kong into the â€Å"Titanic†. Young p eople, nothing. Can two elderly people wonder how so strange: the movie name, called â€Å"Madam you these days? Another corrected him and said:† kick him you jump â€Å". This joke first, and regardless of the true and false. Take the first translated version of â€Å"Ice Wreck† will not appear so misunderstood. There is an English name The ShawshankRedemption. This is an all fans are blown away by the absolute masterpiece, but unfortunately the translation confusion. Mainland genuine call it â€Å"on the black fly, Hong Kong translation is† to stimulate 1995. â€Å"Moon black fly† while listening to like martial arts films.But the meaning can also be understood: can stimulate the 1995 because it was staged in Hong Kong in 1995, and no reason to become such a translation, simply make people feel uncomfortable from the heart. If you watched the movie, you will think this is blasphemy of the great works. Prefer the translation is â€Å"The Shawshank Rede mption†. First, it take into account the shark Fort English pronunciation and meaning, seem cold and mysterious, followed faithfully repaid to save this layer of meaning are, we can say quite a place. Chinese story â€Å"The Butterfly Lovers† translated into English Romeo and Juliet of China, the Westerners'll be able to understand its content is profound and enormous influence. Translated into The utterfly Lovers, or the pinyin transliteration, but make them puzzled. Full of Chinese cultural meaning of â€Å"Farewell My Concubine† translated Farewell My Concubine ridiculous. â€Å"Flirting Scholar† that translated into of The Flirting Scholar, but even the most nonsensical of Stephen Chow would think ridiculous. No wonder people translation compared to marriage, the natural letters, up to a pair of elegant, there are strong twisted sweet, stumbling through life. With the social and technological developments. Good movie more and more, and here to cite onl y a few examples to illustrate the problems related to cultural factors in the translation.Interdependence between the translator and film each other constraints, the name and content of each film is certain, regardless of the method of literal translation. Or paraphrase of the method taking into account the differences between Chinese and British culture, can make the translation of both faithful to the original film but also pleasant to the eyes and ears, it would be a successful translation. The successful translation can play a role in promoting the popularity of the film. Inappropriate translation in a loss to some extent a good movie. So we are looking forward to the translators can focus more on the translation of film titles from the cultural and aesthetic point of view, rather than the pursuit of economic efficiency or for pursuit of strange maverick. ?. ConclusionLanguage is the carrier of thinking, the movie name is a reflection of the linguistic form, and thinking in the name of the English film translation of differences in the impact, so closely related to the three. In this paper, the translation of the name of the Sino-British film, by comparing the differences of both English and Chinese translation of the film name of the forms of expression and word selection, trying to integrated thinking and decentralized thinking, the dominant thinking and recessive thinking, abstract thinking and thinking in images of the three angles a reasonable explanation of the differences in national mode of thinking in English.