Monday, January 27, 2020

Ethics of Human Trafficking

Ethics of Human Trafficking The problem of trafficking of humans is widespread and it is estimated that annually, approximately 14,500 and 17,500 individuals are victims of trafficking into the United States. This is a hidden population involving factories, restaurant businesses, agriculture, the commercial sex industry, agriculture, domestic workers, some adoption firms and marriage brokers. 80% of individuals who are trafficked individuals are female; therefore, those who provide health care for women can best serve this diverse patient population with increased awareness to the problem. Exploiting persons of any sexual orientation, race, ethnicity or gender, is not acceptable at any place or time. After applying the utilitarian and deontological perspectives and the egoism and emotivism theories to the question of human trafficking, it is evident that the ethical response to this is that is that it is one the most unethical practices any person can engage in. Human trafficking is a complex, multi-faceted crime with no single solution. Many countries are affected by it in some way, and Australia, as a destination country for trafficking victims, is no exception (Healey, 2012). Human trafficking is one of the most heinous and degrading thing that can happen to anyone and for those unfortunate enough to be caught in this web, it is a life of living hell. Slavery exists today and its called Human Trafficking. Nothing stirs the emotions or drives the passions, specifically in the US, more than the bone chilling stories of modern day human slavery. Whether it is labor, domestic or sexual, the terror that human trafficking victims have endured is so horrendous that it leaves us gasping for breath. For people who work in human and health service fields, they have heard the firsthand accounts of survivors. We have heard of the dedicated law enforcement officers and health care practitioners and who are involved in the apprehension and prosecution of traffickers, and are the advocators for victims in these complex cases. Realizing that this could be taking place in our neighborhoods and towns and, unseen as we go about our daily comfortable lives, is unimaginable. It is no surprise to anyone that when we hear these stories, there is a huge outcry by the citizens to our legislators to pass laws where none exists or for stricter laws and more enforcement. Since 1999 when this issue was first addressed by congress, the United States have spent over 150 million dollars to help in the fight against human trafficking. Human traffickers tend to look for vulnerability when searching for their victims. There is not one single type of person that they prey upon so victims tend to be from all walks of life and social status does not exclude someone from being potentially trafficked (McNamara, 2015). Trafficking in persons is the illegal sale or trade of human beings for labor through abduction, the use or threat of force, deception and fraud or for sexual exploitation. Societys most vulnerable members such as those burdened by disabilities, discrimination and poverty, are preyed upon by traffickers. Human Trafficking doesnt only occur in the US, it is manifested globally in the form of organ trafficking, bonded labor, and sex trafficking. In sex trafficking, women and children is a commodity used purely for paid sexual gratification. With the globalization of human trafficking, forged documents, financial and legal assistance and transportation are services that are provided allowing it to become an organized billion dollar industry. Victims are lured with false promises of a better life and their broken, unsure environment is easily exploited. Sexual exploitation is the most common form of human trafficking. Initially, they may travel with their traffickers of their own free wi ll under the guise of a better life. Once they have been lured into a false sense of safety, these victims are then isolated, beaten, restrained, threatened, and coerced. In cases involving international human trafficking, the victims identification papers or passports are often withheld or destroyed by traffickers and since they have been illegally brought into the host country, these victims are programmed to fear the countrys law enforcement agencies. Imprisonment in extreme isolation is par for the course for these victims who then become dependent upon their captors for simple necessities as shelter and food. Violence against their family members at home is also another way traffickers control their victims. Many are aware that this is widespread problem but most of them think it is happening somewhere else, not in our backyards, therefore out of our reach and not our problem. This type of rationalization causes major problems because it is happening everywhere; and yes sometimes in our very backyards, right under our noses. Victims are hiding in plain sight, seeking help by their furtive glances or skittish movements, yet we remain blind, content to live our lives without a care in the world. The trafficking of human beings is not easily detected and is both a national and international crisis that everyone should be aware of. It is a major world crisis that needs to have a spot light aimed directly at it, one that shines brightly give hope to these hopeless victims. Some tips that we can all benefit from knowing about are: where to look, what to look for, when to question and when to not to question. For example, law enforcement has seen a pattern in businesses such as restaurants empl oying workers to bus tables and wash dishes, strip clubs, sweatshops where garments are manufactured , massage parlors, and brothels to name a few. Legitimate businesses such as nail shops may also offer commercial sex. Trafficking victims are guarded by other employees or family members of the traffickers, receive very little to no pay, work long, grueling hours, restricted movement and scared of their employers. Signs that are visible are bruises, malnutrition, and fatigue, withdrawn workers who are afraid of unsolicited contact with others, or who are not allowed to speak for themselves. Forms of domestic slavery can be found in recreational areas or parks where babysitters or nannies take the children and pets. Look for the signs stated above with an extra precaution, are the women older, if they are younger do they look healthy or scared? All things that we never give a second thought to, while the victims suffer in silence. If you suspect Human Trafficking, dont confront the s uspected trafficker, take pictures of those who you suspect if possible and pictures of the location where you suspect criminal activities are taking place then contact the police or FBI. Give any and all information you have gathered and let them decide if the case meets the requirements of human trafficking. We all need to be aware and know what we can do to prevent this cancer from spreading and prevent the global destruction families. If the problem of Human Trafficking was widely understood and the consequences to those who are trafficked, it would no longer be the second fastest and largest growing crime in the world. A drug can only be sold once, but a human being can be sold multiple times until they are no longer useful and if they are lucky, they get to die in peace. I will discuss human trafficking from an ethical point of view starting with the utilitarianism perspective. A natural way to see whether an act is the right thing to do (or the wrong thing to do) is to look at its results, or consequences. Utilitarianism argues that, given a set of choices, the act we should choose is that which produces the best results for the greatest number affected by that choice (Mosser, 2013). According to this perspective, promotion of happiness for the greatest number is ideal, but however looking at human traffic from this standpoint is very easy. Utilitarianism is the natural way to look at something to decide if it is wring or right. It argues that we should choose the result which best serves the needs of the greatest number affected by the choice (Mosser, 2013). Looking at human trafficking from this point of view is rather easy. The only people who benefit from human trafficking are the traffickers who will stop at nothing to get their victims. Due to the fact that many are looking for a better way of life, they become easy prey for those who are up to no good. According to (Smith, 2014), human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry which is estimated to bring in about $32 billion worldwide, however the people who are in charge are the ones who benefit the most from the misery of those who are trapped in this trade (Smith, 2014). Corrupt public officials, unscrupulous recruiters and investors are principal participants and are the very core of this horrible practice. There are more victims than there are trafficke rs, so this perspective doesnt fill the goal of happiness for the greatest number. The other perspective I will discuss is deontology. The deontology perspective places focus on the reasons why an act is done rather than focusing on the consequences (Mosser, 2013). When it comes to human trafficking, those involved do so purely greed for monetary gain. The definition of human trafficking is when someone consents or agrees to pay someone to take an individual somewhere else, either across state lines, another country or simply smuggling them away from their general living area. These individuals are now caught in the web of trafficking whether its labor, domestic or sexual, the terror that human trafficking victims have endured is so horrendous that it leaves us gasping for breath. Deontologists argue that we have a duty, or some would call it an obligation to treat others with respect, and we must take that dignity into consideration when dealing with them (Mosser, 2013). Human trafficking goes against every basic human right and in that aspect can be viewed as imm oral and wrong. When a victim is taken, often against their will they lose the basic freedoms we take for granted. . The law enforcement framework is excessively prosecution focused, with little focus on prevention and is dependent on the innocent victim. (Bravo, 2008) Ethical egoism argues that moral evaluations should be made based on our desires and goals. Quite simply put if it benefits me its right, if it hinders me its wrong (Mosser, 2013). The offenders in human trafficking fall under this perspective. They are in the business solely for their own personal gain and do not care who is hurt and destroyed in the process. Emotivism is a view that quite simply is based upon if we do or do not like something. It is often referred to as the Boo Hurrah theory of ethics (Mosser, 2013). They have a fast way to make often quite a substantial amount of money at little to no cost for them. They sniff out and prey upon a victims vulnerability regardless of where they find their victims. CONCLUSION To exploit a race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity is not acceptable in respectable society. The cost on both the citizens and the nation is untold. It is going to take the collective efforts of law enforcement, government agencies, and the public to defeat a problem of this magnitude. Things that stand in the way to getting a grip of Human Trafficking is fear, lack of public awareness, secretive nature of trafficking, limited resources for training those working in that field for what signs to look for when there is a suspicion of human trafficking, and limited legal assistance. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the primary care givers of female Human Trafficking should strive to assist anyone has been identified as a victim or at the very least recognize females who may have fallen prey to trafficking. This may not be the only option available; however, as those with first contact, they may be able to develop tools that can help in the fight of Human Trafficking. Human trafficking from a Utilitarianism standpoint isnt moral or prudent; and from a Deontology perspective the fiscal additions for the traffickers for offering their victims into servitude is not a righteous or moral act. A victim losing their opportunities and personality just so the guilty parties can profit is not virtuous or ethical on any level we have discussed. References Karen E. Bravo, Toward a Labor Liberalization Solution to Modern Trafficking in Humans, 102  Am. Socy Intl L. Proc. 66, 66 (2008) Justin Healey, Human Trafficking and Slavery, vol 347, Balmain, NSW, Australia] : Spinney  Press. 2012 McNamara, P. (2015). Trading Lives. Girls Life, vol. 21 Issue 6, p74 Retrieved from Mosser, K. (2013) Ethics and Social Responsibility, (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved  from Smith, R. (2014). Selling Lives Seeking a Unified Solution to Human Trafficking. Policy   Practice (19426828), 72(6), 5.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Female Entrepreneurial Role in James M Cains Mildred Pierce :: Mildred Pierce Essays

The Female Entrepreneurial Role in James M Cain's Mildred Pierce A woman's place in the post-depression era is usually one where a woman would commonly be known to have a role in the economy; only to be waiting in her kitchen to cook for the "money-making husband." It was often rare to encounter one woman who had the ability to take her inner interests and turn them into an entrepreneurial role in society. Yet, through this novel by James M. Cain, one will encounter Mildred Pierce, in which Mildred uses her inner talent, and cooking. To redeem the long lost woman's role in the economy and the workforce. This inner interest of cooking was not kept inside the household as it has with millions of other woman in the United States; it was instead expanded into a successful capitalistic venture for Mildred. Gorgeous legs, great cook, and friendly disposition. Mildred used these attributes to survive a divorce and poverty and to claw her way out of the lower middle class. Yet Mildred also had a weakness, one being that she has failed to Veda’s standards. Mildred Pierce tries her best in order to please her daughter. She charts the rise and fall of a woman who makes and markets pies. When her husband loses his livelihood as a result of the Wall Street crash, Mildred takes work "as a waitress"(Mildred Pierce) in a diner. "Recognizing that she can produce better pies than the business currently has to offer, she rapidly becomes its supplier."(1,dirks) Then she opens a restaurant of her own, which leads to openings of several others. Mildred, a mother of two daughters, was left alone because of her husband, Bert. Mildred, capable of cooking meals as to a fancy restaurant she decides to utilize these techniques in opening her Own restaurant. Wally, a friend of Mildred's husband helps in organizing a place to build the new restaurant." For the first time in her life, Mildred felt the quick excitement of a conspiratorial deal. She comprehended the credit aspect of it, once Wally explained it, and she didn't need to be told how perfect the place was for her purposes."(93,Cain) Mildred able to use the abandon Pierce Model home she renovates, and turns it into a restaurant. She decided on a name, "Mildred Pierce" in which she only serves chicken and waffles and pies on the side.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

We are the Champions

For as long as I can remember, I have loved and played organized basketball. The culmination of this adoration and dedication came during my senior year of high school when we won the state championship. I spent most of my childhood and adolescent years watching, practicing and playing this game. I played through all kinds of injuries and illnesses. I played with all kinds of organizations and teams. Now, I was the captain of the team of all teams: State Champions.I'd reached the manacle of my basketball career. If we are looking at this significant event through the behavioral perspective of psychology, we see the ways in which it applies. The behavioral perspective allows us to look at the obvious observable and measurable behaviors as opposed to the internal and mental ones. It focuses on how behaviors are learned and reinforced. Practice was the driving behavior that allowed our team to succeed. Our coaches required us to practice the same plays over and over again. We practiced shooting drills over and over again.These things were reiterated until hey became second nature, and then we practiced them some more. Our philosophy was that we did not practice until we got it right, but we practiced until we could not get it wrong. Also, part of our preparation included watching videos of our opponents. This allowed us to learn their behaviors and tendencies in order to devise a plan to counteract them (Baron & Kessler, 2008). During the game of basketball, the cognitive perspective plays an important role. This perspective is concerned with the mental function: how things are perceived, remembered, reasoned, decided, or problem solved.Before the game starts, a strategy is developed for the offensive and defensive side of the court. It has to be remembered by every member of the team along with all of the plays and signals to help the team function as one cohesive unit. We are also tasked with making split second decisions throughout the game in order to navigate the opponent's defensive scheme (McLeod, 2007). Through this entire process, I learned that hard work would lead to great rewards. One of the ways this happened was through classical conditioning learning.This type of learning involves â€Å"placing a neutral signal before a naturally occurring reflex† (Baron & Kessler, 2008, p. 161). In order to build our stamina to run up and down the court for a complete game, our coaches used a whistle. When the whistle was blown, we were required to run suicide drills. At the sound of a double whistle, we were required to stop running. The blowing of the whistle is an unconditioned stimulus and the act of running is an unconditioned response. Operating learning came in the form of positive reinforcements and punishments.We were praised and received gifts for working hard in practice, for performing drills ND tasks flawlessly, and for meeting seasonal milestones. Our punishments came in the form of performing push-ups or having an extra early morning practice when we did not do what was expected. In addition, some of my basketball skills were acquired through observational learning. I watched Just as much basketball on television as I played. I took some of the things that I saw my favorite college and professional basketball players performed and worked to mimic them (Baron & Kessler, 2008).This entire senior basketball season was very memorable. It was like ale with a story book ending. However, some of the details of that season was lost. This is because of retroactive interference. We played 23 games that year, and each game added a new memory. Because of the similarities in games, the details get clouded with the addition off new one. The championship game was different. That game is an autobiographical memory as it was a reward for what I had worked so long to achieve. This was the most important thing that Vive done up until that point.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Practice in Identifying Coordinating and Correlative Conjunctions

This exercise will give you practice in identifying conjunctions, words that serve to connect words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. Before attempting the exercise, you may find it helpful to review Coordinating Words, Phrases, and Clauses. Instructions Each of the following ten sentences contains at least one conjunction--either a coordinating conjunction or a correlative conjunction (or both). Identify the conjunction(s) in each sentence, and then compare your answers with those on page two. Excercise Syrio says every swordsman should study cats. Theyre as quiet as shadows and as light as feathers. You have to be quick to catch them.(Maisie Williams as Arya Stark, Game of Thrones, 2011)Canadian Thanksgiving celebrates explorer Martin Frobishers valiant yet ultimately unsuccessful attempt to find the northwest passage.(Cobie Smulders as Robin Scherbatsky, How I Met Your Mother, 2007)Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? Itll be spring soon, and the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And theyll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?(Sean Astin as Sam, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, 2003)You know, Penny, there is something that occurs in beehives that you might find interesting. Occasionally a new queen bee will arrive while the old queen is still in power. When this happens, the old queen must either locate to a new hi ve or engage in a battle to the death until only one queen remains.(Jim Parsons as Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory, 2009)A vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification. He can be destroyed or locked up. But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they cant stop you, then you become something else entirely.(Liam Neeson as Henri Ducard, Batman Begins, 2005)I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail.(Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001)When their enemies were at the gates, the Romans would suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city. It wasnt considered an honor; it was considered a public service. . . . You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.(Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight, 2008)Theres a moment sailors call slack tide, when t he tide is neither coming in nor going out, but perfectly still. Its a moment frozen in time.(Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan, Dexter, 2009)Theres this cafe on the banks of the Arno. Every fine evening, Id sit there and order a Fernet Branca. I had this fantasy that I would look across the tables and Id see you there, with a wife and maybe a couple of kids. You wouldnt say anything to me, nor me to you. But wed both know that youd made it, that you were happy.(Michael Caine as Alfred, The Dark Knight Rises, 2012)Music is at once the product of feeling and knowledge, for it requires from its disciples, composers and performers alike, not only talent and enthusiasm, but also that knowledge and perception which are the result of protracted study and reflection.(attributed to both Hector Berlioz and Alban Berg). Here (in bold) are the answers to the exercise on page one: Practice in Identifying Coordinating and Correlative Conjunctions. Syrio says every swordsman should study cats. Theyre as quiet as shadows and as light as feathers. You have to be quick to catch them.(Maisie Williams as Arya Stark, Game of Thrones, 2011)Canadian Thanksgiving celebrates explorer Martin Frobishers valiant yet ultimately unsuccessful attempt to find the northwest passage.(Cobie Smulders as Robin Scherbatsky, How I Met Your Mother, 2007)Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? Itll be spring soon, and the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And theyll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?(Sean Astin as Sam, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, 2003)You know, Penny, there is something that occurs in beehives that you might find interesting. Occasionally a new queen bee will arrive while the old queen is still in power. When this happens, the old queen must either locate to a new hi ve or engage in a battle to the death until only one queen remains.(Jim Parsons as Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory, 2009)A vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification. He can be destroyed or locked up. But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they cant stop you, then you become something else entirely.(Liam Neeson as Henri Ducard, Batman Begins, 2005)I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail.(Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001)When their enemies were at the gates, the Romans would suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city. It wasnt considered an honor; it was considered a public service. . . . You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.(Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight, 2008)Theres a moment sailors call slack tide, when t he tide is neither coming in nor going out, but perfectly still. Its a moment frozen in time.(Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan, Dexter, 2009)Theres this cafe on the banks of the Arno. Every fine evening, Id sit there and order a Fernet Branca. I had this fantasy that I would look across the tables and Id see you there, with a wife and maybe a couple of kids. You wouldnt say anything to me, nor me to you. But wed both know that youd made it, that you were happy.(Michael Caine as Alfred, The Dark Knight Rises, 2012)Music is at once the product of feeling and knowledge, for it requires from its disciples, composers and performers alike, not only talent and enthusiasm, but also that knowledge and perception which are the result of protracted study and reflection.(attributed to both Hector Berlioz and Alban Berg) Also see: Practice in Identifying Coordinating Conjunctions: The Dr. Seuss EditionIntroduction to Sentence Combining